Urgent Help Needed: Account Flagged Unjustly, No Response from Support

Hello CodeChef Community,

I hope everyone is doing well.

I am writing to bring attention to a significant issue I am facing with my CodeChef account, which has been flagged unjustly following my participation in the recent contest START136C. My account username is yousuf_7.


  • I participated in the START136C and submitted my solutions, which I developed independently, adhering to all the contest rules and guidelines.
  • After 2 days, I received a notification that my account had been flagged for suspected malpractice.
  • CodeChef support provided me with another participant’s code, stating that they found similarities between our solutions.

Steps Taken:

  1. Initial Contact: I promptly emailed the support team explaining that my solution was developed independently and highlighted the possibility that common approaches might lead to similar solutions in competitive programming.
  2. Follow-up Email: When there was no response, I sent a follow-up email providing a detailed breakdown of my code, emphasizing my commitment to fair play and willingness to undergo any further verification.
  3. No Response: Despite my attempts to resolve the matter and clarify my position, I have not received any response from CodeChef support.

Details of the Situation:

  • The nature of the problem we worked on in the contest inherently led to a standard approach that many programmers might independently arrive at.
  • I provided a thorough explanation of my solution and demonstrated that any similarity was purely coincidental and due to common problem-solving techniques in competitive programming.
  • My competitive programming history shows a consistent record of fair play and adherence to guidelines.

Seeking Help: I am reaching out to the community and the moderators for assistance as I have not received any follow-up from the support team despite multiple attempts. I am eager to clear my name and continue participating in CodeChef contests without the stain of an unjust flag on my account.

What I Need:

  • Guidance on how to expedite the review process and get a response from the support team.
  • Any advice or similar experiences from the community on how to handle such situations.
  • Direct contact with a moderator or a CodeChef official who can assist in resolving this matter.

I believe in the integrity and spirit of the CodeChef community, and I am confident that with your support, this issue can be resolved. Thank you for your time and any help you can provide.

Best regards,

Shaik Yousuf