Contest - Division 3
Contest - Division 2
Contest - Division 1
Setter: Prasanna Kumar
Tester: Anshu Garg, Nishant Shah
Given a rooted tree with N nodes. Initially, all nodes have colour black. You are also given Q queries of the following form:
- Determine the number of paths passing through edge u\to v, with both endpoint nodes having the colour black.
- Invert the colour of all nodes in the subtree of node u.
(Leonardo gave the world ‘Mona Lisa’; here’s my masterpiece )
Let b_1 and b_2 correspond to the number of black nodes in S_1 and S_2 (from above picture), respectively. For queries of type 1, the answer is equal to
where b_1+b_2 is equivalent to the number of black nodes in the whole graph.
Thus we have reduced the problem to:
- Invert the color of all nodes in the subtree of u
- Determine the number of black nodes in the subtree of u (and subtree of node 1 - to find the total number of black nodes).
This can be solved efficiently using a Segment Tree (with lazy propagation) on the Euler Tour of the rooted tree.
Run Euler Tour on the tree; let tin_u and tout_v be the entry and exit times of node u in the tour.
Consider an array A such that A_{tin_u} = 1 if node u is black. Initially, A_i = 1 for all valid i.
- For a flip operation (query type 2) on the subtree of u, invert the value of all elements of A in the range [tin_u, tout_u].
- To query the number of black nodes in the subtree of u, sum all elements of A in the range [tin_u, tout_u].
Both operations can be done in O(\log N) per query, using segment trees with lazy propagation.
Running Euler Tour takes O(N). Building the segment tree takes O(N\log N). Each query takes O(\log N). The total complexity is thus:
Editorialist’s solution can be found here
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