I submitted a Brute solution to that problem and got 20 points out of 100 ( Partial Acceptance ) Which should not be allowed in cookoff ( This is the Rule right? ) . Later I submitted a correct solution and got 100/100 but it did not reflect in standings .
I belive there are many solutions which got full marks (1 point ) in the standings but only could pass partial test cases .
You are absolutely right. There was glitch during contest that had not been noticed by @admin.
There are many peoples who got full score even after submitting a brute force solution of CHNGFUNC question. You can cross check this by looking into this solution. If you notice then you will find that this user got partial score of 20, but contest was not partial graded(No sub-tasks were there). So how this solution could be possible?
Therefore I would like to request @admin, please look into this issue ASAP.
I checked the comments where @dpraveen himself said that-
rasensuriken- @admin there is an issue with test evaluation format. It is evaluating in IOI style instead of ACM style.
drpaveen- @rasensuriken Thanks, its been corrected.
Anyone has any leads on rejudge thing? The Q was not hard, but accepting that this problem had 1.2 k AC solutions (just a little more than cakewalk) makes me a bit uneasy…
We are looking into the situation. I got to know about the issue from a user around 30 minutes into the round. The contest will remain rated. We will soon let you know what will be decided. A possible scenario is awarding ACs to all the users who pass even a single subtask, as that wouldn’t take away any accepted solution of a participant during the contest.
Wouldn’t awarding ACs to all the users who pass even a single subtask be unfair to people who actually solved the full problem? Writing a brute force solution doesn’t take time sir.
A possible scenario is awarding ACs to all the users who pass even a single subtask, as that wouldn't take away any accepted solution of a participant during the contest.
There are much better scenarios available. I understand that you dont want that someone who got AC during contest gets TLE and WA now, but we also need to look at the cost. Short contest is more of time and accuracy. If a user submitting a brute force solution is getting ahead of users submitting correct solution, then its really wrong.
That Q has 1262 correct submissions, and thats ~66% of entire population. Ranks 175-1262 were determined by this problem. A huge margin. If someone genuine gets his ratings reduced because other people’s brute force got accepted, then this wont be fair to him either. Infact its a lot unfairer than giving WA to brute forcers after contest.
Not only that, this system of AC on passing 1 subtask might result in other complications too. Someone getting WA in higher subtask but AC in lower one, or vice versa, and deserving WA has got AC.
The contest will remain rated.
Whatever you do, just remember, its better for contest be unrated than unfair. Its tough to get a “fair-to-all” solution, especially when population involved is large percentage wise.
Some users got AC with partially correct solutions in problem CHNGSUM also.
You can check this link. This user’s score is 3 but best solution submitted by him/her for problem CHNGSUM is partially correct(And He/She got AC for that).
I think this is not not limited to CHNGSUM. It’s for each problem in the July Cook-Off 2017. There are many users who got partial scores but were awarded ACs in problems other than CHNGSUM as well.
I even mailed at this e-mail ID about the same, around at 1am today and still awaiting the reply.
Just a suggestion: Instead of making the round unrated a free roll can be done as it was done a few days ago in a round at csacademy. In a free roll a person’s rating does not decrease. It is like rating = max(rating,rating after the contest). This would be fair to everyone imo
I feel that awarding AC to a guy who has partially solved is not fair at all.
I tried the third question for about an hour, but i could not come up with a solution less than O(n^2). I knew the solution wont pass, hence i did not code it at all, because i knew it would fail.
Most coders just know what time complexity will pass for a given question from it constraints and hence they would try to make a solution within that time limit.
Hence, it would just be unfair to all those people who did not brute force the question, even though they had the knowledge to brute force it.
I hope this is considered while taking the final verdict of the challenge.
@dpraveen@admin I think contest should get rated…but just a suggestion from my side ,your point of giving AC to all solutions who passed even a single subtask seems quite unfair to me …if I had known of this glitch during the contest …I could have easily submitted brute force within few minutes…I scratched my head for around half an hour thinking that bruteforce will not pass all the subtask then coded a O(alog(a)) solution …quite a few users I saw who unknowingly submitted bruteforce were ranked higher above me …though in real they shouldn’t have been as mine solution was a optimized solution and all subtask got AC …where as some users just did a brute force and are above me with one subtask TLE’D in their solution and giving them AC now and rank them higher seems quite unfair to people like me who scrated their head for optimized solution
So my suggestion - rejudge all solutions,solutions that pass all the subtask should be given ac and therefore 1 point …others should be given tle/wa according to their solution
Partial answers should not be accepted because people (like me) who thought partial answers are not part of Cook off did not attempt a brute force approach and it will be unfair to us. Even the third ranked user’s answer is partially accepted but he has got full points for it. Solution link
Also, giving brute force solutions “AC” verdict is unfair because even a little bit experienced coder would have known that O(N^2) wouldn’t pass, so there is no use of submitting it and also it would cost 20 penalty minutes.
PS–> Do whatever you feel right but don’t make the contest unrated.
Free roll idea would be great.
Even if someone got higher ratings due to brute force, if in the next rated competition they don’t perform well, it is bound to reduce.
I didn’t approach brute force as I knew that it wouldn’t pass. A big mistake was made by codechef. I think this contest should be unrated. Just giving TLE to those contestants who made a bruteforce solution is also unfair. Because if they got TLE during the contest, they’d have tried and could’ve solved the problem.
I wasn’t able to take part in Codechef contests for past few months due to some reasons. Now, I took part in a contest and was able to perform somewhat decently and Codechef is at it again by making this round unrated. I thought I’d get some laddus, but I guess I just have hard luck. Nevertheless, I think it is unfair to give the same score to all the participants with partially accepted solutions, and also it’s unfair for participants like me too. The best thing would be to award the suitable rewards and ratings to the participants who are benefited by it and leave out the rest i.e. in the same way the CSAcademy’s free rating rollout worked and I hope Codechef take care of issues like these in future.