How should I ask questions

Can I be upvoted so as to ask questions?

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Please upvote.I just have 1 karma, so not able to ask question!

I need to ask ques; Can Someone upvote me too!

can some upvote me…even i wanna join d discussion !!

Please upvote me also!!

need 3 karma points to ask question. thanks plz upvote

Thanks, the second link was useful ( I had already posted the first link in my question ). Can you also give some details of flagging questions ?

Also, I would highly appreciate having a Help Center like that on Stack Overflow

There you go :slight_smile:

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There! Upvoted!

Upvoted. Good day! :slight_smile:

done!! (y)


Welcome in advance :stuck_out_tongue:

You need to get 3 karma points first

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You’re on the list of top contributors… @mathecodician

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I am now but I was not at the time I asked for karma to ask questions.

You already have 9 karma. That’s enough to ask questions.

Also, I saw that you have already asked a question.

@mathecodician i am not able to upvote. so i thought i wouldnt be able to ask questions

Ok I have upvoted you, now you can also upvote.