A small suggestion as you are showing the list of registered users to everyone irrespective of the person knowing the other person or not.So you can add a provision that a person has to add as a friend to see him/her in the leader-board rather than seeing him anonymously.

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wow,great if any promotion related help u can contact me…

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Few changes to the UI, added contact form in the navigation bar.

Find out here

Like our FaceBook Page for updates.

Hope you guys like it :slight_smile:

alt text

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Not that it’s important but you might want to check if the entered usernames are actually legit?
Great job otherwise!

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I wanted to get involved with your team, any help, Please respond.

And yes, congrats on the immense success, wishing you Luck :smiley:

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@mathecodician I guess such posts are not allowed!!
i.e advertising or something, maybe that’s why he’s been suspended.


Hey There guys,

@naksh9619 already suggested (thanks BTW).

Needed some suggestion. I am thinking of adding a new feature, a favourite (or friend) list.

I needed your views on whether that should be made public or not, i.e. should that favourite list be visible to everyone or just to that particular user.

Please leave your valuable comments below.

Thank You and

Happy Coding

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@mathecodician thank you.

@vijju123 Thank you so much for the appreciation. :smiley:

As far as the motive is concerned, it was just to make sure that all of your progress in competitive programming is available at a single place. This can prove to be really helpful for organisations which shortlist candidates on the basis of competitive programming and save them from the headache of peeping into each of their profile individually.

Also you can filter the leaderboard according to your institution and rank yourself among your friends. Its always fun competing with friends.

If you like it why not give it a try? :slight_smile:


I see. Then you have done a good job. You people included almost all major sites. The only thing I might say is that keep a track of such websites and keep on adding new ones/removing obsolete old ones. Staying updated with the trend is what will immensely help you. I wish you lots of success :slight_smile:


Actually you can filter the Leaderboard by your institution name. That might help in finding your friends.

Thank You :slight_smile:

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Thank You. :slight_smile:

It would be better if you share databread with your friends instead of adding them. This would help to maintain integrity of our database otherwise there could be duplicate users also.

This is our facebook page. You can share it with your friends.

And yes thanks for your suggestion :smiley:


Thank you. :smiley:

Thanks, why don’t you register yourself and be a part of it? :smiley:

Yes. Already have a way to cope up with this.
Thank you.



Thanks for reply! Its good that you guys are prepared :slight_smile:

:smiley: Yes, tried to keep it all well and tight.


Great Suggestion.

@vijju123 Thank you, that said by you to stay updated we have added HackerRank ratings also (finally). :smiley: