a,b=input().split() in python 3.4

pycharm is giving me an error : not enough values to unpack(expected 2 but got 1) while codechef is accepting it.

why is pycharm or any other ide giving an error?

a, b= input().split() only work if the text inserted is a string whith only one space,
your code does in the code chef editor?

For clarity:

Example 1 : input -> ‘1 2’

a, b = input().split()

will lead to a,b = [‘1’, ‘2’]

ending with a = ‘1’ and b = ‘2’

Example 2: input -> ‘12’

a, b = input().split() 

will lead to a,b = [‘12’]

leading to unpack error as [‘12’] will only have 1 value to unpack

Solution to 2:

try removing the .split() part.