A tough TCS Codevita 2020?

i was able to solve only two :pensive: :pensive: :pensive: :pensive:

Hello bro… can you tell me how long after the result is published are the interview held? I mean how time do the candidates usually get between the exam and the interview rounds as per the earlier years?

Yeah , I got AC in zoo design. I don’t know if we can post the solutions yet.

I got AC on zoo design

You can. By the way how many questions did you solve?

3 ->Binary equivalent , elections and zoo design

if u don’t mind please share the solution of Zoo design . Thank you

Please let me know if you don’t understand any part , I’ll add comments to make it more clear

I have one doubt my public test case shows presentation error. But in private test case shows no submissions made yet. my program may be submitted or not? kindly say anyone.

you got AC?

not submitted as solution should pass all private test case to qualify for marks.

I think you interchanged the terms, because I couldn’t see anything in public testcase submission and everything was shown in private tc submission, or I am getting confused, and btw why are many people saying they solved something partially, because the result is binary in here either you solve it (1) or you don’t (0).

I think when you use TCS ide for executing your code, then if given sample TC passes (public TC) then it shows Partial. But when you submit then it is checked for private TC, if it passed then AC. So, there is no meaning of I have solved it partially.


I solved it and passed both private and public test cases but got TLE…

can’t agree more.

I was able to get correct test cases result in Zoo design but was getting WA on submission. Anyone who got this code accepted?

Is there also a penalty in Codevita for wrong submission? :open_mouth: I submitted around 30 times to fix a runtime error by commenting out different parts of the code and trying to convert RE to WA. Although I did 2.

No there isn’t any penalty for wrong submissions.

There is, and it decides the Ranking upon same questions solved by 2 guys.

I know when 2 guys have solved the same number of questions, the ranks gets decided by the time taken by them sto solve the question. However, does TCS also add time penalty like Codechef Cookoff/Codeforces for wrong submissions, that I am trying to ask.

In short, I am trying to ask if TCS Codevita’s rating/ranking system is like Codechef Cookoff or is it like Codechef Lunchtime?