A tutorial on the Extended Euclid's Algorithm

Hello @all,

Following my previous tutorial on Repeated Squaring, I will now focus on the Extended Euclid’s Algorithm, which as you will be able to see, can be seen as the reciprocal of modular exponentiation.

But, before delving deeper into this algorithm, it might be worthwhile to review the most basic algorithm, the Euclidean Algorithm.

  • Foreword about the Euclidean Algorithm

The Euclidean Algorithm is possibly one of the oldest numerical algorithms still in use (its first appearance goes back to 300 BC, making it over 2000 years old), and it is used to find the GCD of two numbers, i.e., the greatest common divisor of both numbers.

It’s easily implemented in C++ as:

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
#define builtin_gcd __gcd

int gcd(int a, int b)
		return a;
		return gcd(b,a%b);

int main()
	cout << gcd(252,105) << endl;
	cout << builtin_gcd(252,105) << endl;
	return 0;

Also, please note that if you include the header <algorithm> on your code, you can actually use the built-in gcd function, by renaming the language function __gcd (note the two underscore characters to the left of gcd) to something you would like (on the code above, I renamed it to builtin_gcd, just to distinguish it from my own implemented gcd function).

Note that I suggest a renaming of the built-in function solely for you not to use the full name __gcd, but something more convenient, but, you can also use __gcd and everything will work completely fine as well. :slight_smile:

Returning to our algorithm discussion, it’s easy to see that this algorithm finds the greatest number that divides both numbers passed as arguments to the gcd() function.

The gcd() has some interesting properties related to the arguments it receives as well as its number. Two interesting properties are:

  • gcd(a,b) = 1, implies that the integers a and b are coprime (this will have implications further on this text);

  • It’s possible to find the gcd of several numbers by finding the pairwise gcd of every 2 numbers, i.e., say we have three numbers a,b,c, then gcd(a,b,c) = gcd(gcd(a, b), c);

This sums up the basic properties of the gcd, which will allow us to understand a small extension to its algorithm, which will, in turn, allow us to understand how division works over a given modulo, m (concept commonly known as modular multiplicative inverse).

  • An extension of Euclid’s Algorithm

The main motivation to have devised an extension of the original algorithm comes from the fact, that we might want to actually check that a given integer number, say, d, is indeed the gcd of two other integer numbers, say a and b, i.e., we want to check d = gcd(a,b).

As you might have noticed, it’s not enough to check that d divides both a and b, to safely claim that d is the largest number that does so, as this only shows that d is a common factor and not necessarily the largest one.

To do so, we need to turn ourselves to a mathematical identity called the Bézout’s identity.

  • The Bézout’s identity

The Bézout’s identity states that given two numbers a and b, passed as arguments to the gcd function, we can be sure that d = gcd(a,b) if and only if there are two integers x and y such that the identity:

d = ax + by


This is, in very simple terms, the Bézout’s identity. (An outline of a proof might be found online)

What our extended Euclid’s algorithm will allows us to do is to simultaneously find the value of d = gcd(a,b) and the values of x and y that actually “solve” (verify) the Bézout’s identity.

  • A simple implementation of the Extended Euclid’s Algorithm in Python

Below you can find the implementation of the recursive version of this algorithm in the Python language (I must admit I haven’t yet implemented it myself before, so I am also learning as I go, although I believe implementing the non-recursive version in C++ shouldn’t be too complicated):

def egcd(a, b):
    if a == 0:
        return (b, 0, 1)
        g, y, x = egcd(b % a, a)
        return (g, x - (b // a) * y, y)

This now solves, as desired, our original issue and allows us to conclude without any doubt that the value d on our original equation is indeed the gcd(a,b).

  • An application: Computing the modular multiplicative inverse of a modulo m

The most used application of this algorithm (at least, as far as I know and in the ambit of programming competitions) is the computation of the modular multiplicative inverse of a given integer a modulo m.

It is given by:

alt text

and mathematically speaking (as in, quoting Wikipedia), it is the multiplicative inverse in the ring of integers modulo m.

What the above means is that we can multiply both sides by a and we can obtain the identity:

alt text

This means that m is a divisor of ax-1, which means we can have something like:

ax-1 = qm,

where q is an integer multiple that will be discarded.

If we rearrange the above as:

ax-mq = 1

we can now see that the above equation has the exact same form as the equation that the Extended Euclid’s Algorithm solves (with a and m given as original parameters, x being the inverse and q being a multiple we can discard), with a very subtle but important difference: gcd(a,m) NEEDS to be 1.

What this basically means is that it is mandatory that a is coprime to the modulus, or else the inverse won’t exist.

To wrap this text up, I will now leave you the code in Python which finds the modular multiplicative inverse of a modulo m using the Extended Euclid’s Algorithm:

def modinv(a, m):
    g, x, y = egcd(a, m)
    if g != 1:
        return None  # modular inverse does not exist
        return x % m
  • Further explorations and a final note

Number Theory is a beautiful field of Mathematics, but it is at the same time, one of the most vast and in my personal opinion, hardest fields to master.

The need of gcd(a,m) = 1, allows one to exploit this fact and use Euler’s Theorem, along with Euler’s Totient Function to find the modular inverse as well.

In fact, on the popular and most widely spread case where the modulus, m, happens to be a prime number, we can use the simple formula:

am-2 (mod m)

to find the multiplicative inverse of a.

This result follows from Euler’s Theorem directly.

Nontheless, besides my tutorial, my own personal experience is that it can be hard to actually understand all these ideas clearly in order to apply them successfully on a live contest (at least, it is hard for me), but, I hope that with some practice and also a lot more training and studying I can get better at it. So far, my study alongside with wikipedia and other books allowed me to write this tutorial which imho finds the best bits of information and puts them together on a same post.

I hope you have enjoyed it. :slight_smile:

Best regards,



@kuruma In Bezout’s Identity you have mentioned that d = gcd(a,b) if and only if there are two positive integers x and y such that the identity : d = ax + by holds.

However the integers x and y need not be positive. Only the value ax + by i.e. d should be positive. eg. a=6 and b=3. then gcd(6,3)=3

Now 3= 6 * 0 + 1 * 3 only and 3 = 6x + 3y does not hold for any positive value of x and y.


Can you please provide the c implementation of extended Euclidean algorithm?

I just found this question - New Method For Finding Modular Inverse - general - CodeChef Discuss seems interesting…

Shouldn’t the return value in the python implementation of Extended euclidean algo be
(g,x,y-(b//a)x), instead of (g,x-(b//a)y,y).
I’m following the proof mentioned here : MAXimal :: algo :: Расширенный алгоритм Евклида
It would be great if someone could help me out.

The Bézout’s identity states that
given two numbers a and b, passed as
arguments to the gcd function, we can
be sure that d = gcd(a,b) only
there are two integers x and y such
that the identity:

d = ax + by


The existence of x and y such that d = ax + by is a necessary condition for d = gcd(a, b), it is not sufficient (eg: 7 = 4+3, 7 is not gcd(4,3)).

i am not able to understand the code of extend euclid algo in python ,plz explain me how this code works,its working fine in my pc but i am not able to understand it on copy

In the last parts, where you mention Euler’s Theorem, you can also mention Fermat’s Little Theorem.

In the 1st code given can anyone tell me why it is necessary to rename builtin_gcd to __gcd, if we dont do so it is giving compilation error…??

@coding_addict You can simply choose to use __gcd itself. But, it will look nice, if we have some other names than the preceding double underscores. It is not a rule. It is our choice! :smiley:

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@coding_addict, Thanks for your question, I will clarify that part better peraphs

What does (b//a) mean in the python code which defines egcd(a,b) function?

@saikrishna173, it’s the same as floor division, or, applying floor function to result of divison.

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Thank you @kcahdog for pointing it out and for fixing it :slight_smile:


I should thank you for writing such awesome tutorials! Have learnt a lot of stuff from them.

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:slight_smile: Thanks a lot for your words! I’ve also learnt a lot by writing them and reading all of your corrections and ideas, so, this has been being a great synergy :smiley: Hope this lasts for quite a while eheh


Can you provide links to any problems which uses these concepts?

Actually if there exist two integers x and y such that
d = ax + by then d = gcd(a, b) iff d = min(ax+by) > 0. In your example min(4x+3y) = 1 (for x = 1 and y = -1) so 1 is the gcd of 4 and 3.

Yes he should have mention that d should be least positive linear combination of a and b.

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Here gcd(a, b) = g;

We can see that the algorithm ends when b = 0 and a = g. For this we can write this equation,

                       g * 1 + 0 * 0 = g

If we compare above equation with ax + by = g, when b = 0 we can see that x = 1 and y = 0.

Now we see how the coefficients x and y change during the transition from (a, b) to (b, a mod b).

Mind that,
when (a, b) change to (b, a mod b) we found coefficients (x1, y1), so we can write this equation
b * x1 + (a mod b) * y1 = g ------------------- (1)

we know that,
reminder = Dividend - ( Divisor * Quotient ),

So, (a mod b) we can write as :
a mod b = a - (a / b) * b

In equation (1) replace ( a mod b ) and we get,

                            g = b*x1 + ( a - (a / b) * b ) * y1
                            g = b*x1 + a*y1 - (a / b)*b*y1
                            g = a*y1 + b * ( x1 - y1*(a /b) )

Now we compare this equation with ax + by = g, we can write this,

                            x = y1

                            y = x1 - y1*(a / b)

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