AB_3206 - Editorial


Contest: Division 1
Contest: Division 2
Contest: Division 3
Contest: Division 4

Author: arbitrary_aman
Tester: yash_daga
Editorialist: iceknight1093






You’re given an array A of length N.
Some elements of A are -1's.

An array is called special if its elements are distinct positive integers, and (A_i + A_j + A_k) is not a multiple of 5 for any 1 \leq i \lt j \lt k \leq N.

Find a way to turn A into a special array by replacing the -1's, or claim that this is impossible.
If it is possible, find also the minimum possible sum of such an array.


Let’s analyze the structure of a special array.

The elements being distinct aside, to check the divisibility by 5 condition clearly we can just replace each element by its remainder modulo 5.
Let c_i be the number of elements with remainder i (modulo 5) in the array.
Henceforth, all arithmetic between elements of the array will be modulo 5 (so “summing to 0” really means "summing to a multiple of 5).

Then, we make the following observations:

  • c_0 \leq 2, otherwise we have three zeros and can add them to get 0, not allowed.
  • If c_x \gt 1 for some x \neq 0, then -2x (modulo 5) can’t occur in the array at all, i.e, c_{-2x} = 0 should hold.
    Observe that this gives us a ‘cycle’ of the form 1\to 3\to 4\to 2\to 1, where for each element, if it occurs more than once in the array then its successor can’t appear at all.
  • If x+y+z = 0, and x, y, z are all distinct, then one of them has to be a 0.
    This is easily verified by noting that no three among \{1, 2, 3, 4\} sum to 0.
  • If x+y+z = 0, then x=y=z is impossible unless x = 0.

So, there are only two constraints we really need to care about:

  • The first is the condition given by the 1\to3\to4\to2\to1 cycle, where if one of them occurs more than once its successor can’t occur at all.
    This covers the case when x+y+z = 0, and two of them are equal.
  • The second is when c_0\gt 0, in which case we also have to ensure that 0+2+3 and 0+1+4 don’t occur either.
    Of course, c_0 \leq 2 should still hold.

This gives us a few different types for what a special array can look like.
Let’s go over them all.

First, let’s consider c_0 \gt 0.
Without loss of generality, suppose c_1 \gt 1 as well.
Then, note that:

  • 3 can’t appear at all, being the successor of 1.
  • 4 can’t appear at all, otherwise we’d have 0+1+4.
  • 2 can appear at most once, since 1 is the successor of 2.

So, we have (at most) two occurrences of 0, at most one occurrence of 2, and everything else should be 1.
The same applies if we chose some x \neq 1 as well: 0 appears at most twice, its predecessor can appear at most once, and it must take all the rest.
If this non-zero x is fixed, constructing a valid array with minimum sum is easy: keep picking the smallest integer not already in A that ensures that these conditions are satisfied.

Next, let’s look at c_0 = 0.

Once again, wlog let c_1 \gt 1.
Then, we have some constraints:

  • 3, the successor of 1, can’t appear at all.
  • 2, the predecessor of 1, can appear at most once.
    • If 2 appears once, its own predecessor 4 can appear at most once.
    • If 2 doesn’t appear, there are no constraints on 4: it can appear as many times as we like.

So, there are two options:

  • Every element is either 1 or 4; or
  • There’s a 2, at most one 4, and everything else is 1.

This is easily extended to any non-zero x other than 1 as well.

Once again, if the ‘type’ of the answer is fixed, constructing an answer is not hard: keep picking the minimum valid element.

Try every case, then output the minimum answer among each valid array constructed.
There’s a lot of symmetry among cases, so though it might seem daunting, the implementation is simplified a lot if you make your code a bit modular.


\mathcal{O}(N\log N) per testcase.


Author's code (C++)
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define ll long long

ll f(ll i)
    ll j = (-2*i)%5;
    return (j+5)%5;

ll rem0(set<ll> &original_elements, vector<ll>& freq, ll r, ll k, ll n, ll sum) // f(r) can occur more than once, r can occur at max once
    if(freq[r]>1) return -1;
    if(freq[f(f(r))] || freq[f(f(f(r)))]) return -1;
    vector<ll> new_elements;
    else if(freq[0]==1)
    ll fr=f(r);
    for(ll times=1; times<=min(n, 2LL); times++)
    sort(new_elements.begin(), new_elements.end());
    for(ll times=min(n, 2LL)+1; times<=n; times++)
    for(int i=0; i<new_elements.size() && k>0; i++)
    return sum; 

ll diagonal_only(set<ll> &original_elements, vector<ll>& freq, ll r, ll k, ll n, ll sum) // only r and f(f(r)) can occur
    if( r > f(f(r))) return -1;
    if(freq[f(r)] || freq[f(f(f(r)))] || freq[0]) return -1;
    vector<ll> new_elements;
    for(ll times=1; times<=n; times++)
        new_elements.push_back((times-1)*5+f(f(r))); // r < f(f(r)) to maintain ascending order
    for(int i=0; i<new_elements.size() && k>0; i++)
    return sum; 

ll unimajority(set<ll> &original_elements, vector<ll>& freq, ll r, ll k, ll n, ll sum) // only r and f(f(r)) can occur
    if(freq[f(r)] || freq[0] || freq[f(f(r))]>1 || freq[f(f(f(r)))]>1) return -1;
    vector<ll> new_elements;
    else if(freq[f(f(r))]==0)
    sort(new_elements.begin(), new_elements.end());

    for(ll times=2; times<=n; times++)

    for(int i=0; i<new_elements.size() && k>0; i++)
    return sum;

ll (*cases[3])(set<ll> &, vector<ll>& , ll, ll, ll, ll) = {rem0, diagonal_only, unimajority};
ll allcases(vector<ll>& arr, ll n)
    set<ll> original_elements;
    vector<ll> freq(5);
    ll sum=0, k=0;
    bool repition=false;
    for(auto &x : arr) 
    if(repition) return -1;
    if(freq[0] >=3) return -1;
    for(int i=1; i<5; i++)
        if(freq[i] && freq[f(f(i))] && freq[0]) return -1;
        if(freq[i]>=2 && freq[f(i)]) return -1;
    ll final_ans=-1;
    for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
        for(int r=1; r<5; r++)
            ll temp=cases[i](original_elements, freq, r, k, n, sum);
            if(temp==-1) continue;
                final_ans=min(final_ans, temp);
    return final_ans;

void solve()
    ll n; cin>>n;
    vector<ll> arr(n);
    for(auto &x : arr) 
    cout<<allcases(arr, n)<<endl;
int main()
    int t; cin>>t;
    return 0;
Editorialist's code (Python)
successor = [0, 3, 1, 4, 2]
predecessor = [0, 2, 4, 1, 3]

def check(a):
    freq = [0]*5
    for k in a:
        freq[k % 5] += 1
    if freq[0] > 2: return False
    if freq[0] > 0:
        if freq[1] > 0 and freq[4] > 0: return False
        if freq[2] > 0 and freq[3] > 0: return False
    for k in range(1, 5):
        if freq[k] > 1 and freq[successor[k]] > 0: return False
    return True

def calc(x, a, type):
    s = set(a)
    afreq = [0]*5
    for y in a:
        if y != -1: afreq[y%5] += 1
    ptr, cur = 0, 1
    n = len(a)
    while ptr < n and a[ptr] == -1:
        if cur in s:
            cur += 1

        if cur%5 == 0 and type == 0:
            if afreq[0] < 2:
                a[ptr] = cur
                ptr += 1
                afreq[0] += 1
        if cur%5 == x:
            a[ptr] = cur
            ptr += 1
        if cur%5 == predecessor[x] and type != 2:
            if afreq[predecessor[x]] == 0:
                a[ptr] = cur
                afreq[predecessor[x]] = 1
                ptr += 1
        if cur%5 == successor[successor[x]]:
            if type == 2:
                a[ptr] = cur
                ptr += 1
            elif type == 1 and afreq[successor[successor[x]]] == 0:
                a[ptr] = cur
                ptr += 1
                afreq[successor[successor[x]]] = 1
        cur += 1
    if check(a): return sum(a)
    return 10**18

for _ in range(int(input())):
    n = int(input())
    a = list(map(int, input().split()))
    ans = 10**18
    for x in range(1, 5):
        ans = min(ans, calc(x, a[:], 0))
        ans = min(ans, calc(x, a[:], 1))
        ans = min(ans, calc(x, a[:], 2))
    if ans > 10**17: print(-1)
    else: print(ans)

For this problem, an easier approach to code and with no casework on paper is to bruteforce all the possible multisubsets with numbers from {0,1,2,3,4}, and with each distinct number appearing at most 3 times, and filtering the ones, that don’t have some subset sum equal to 0 \mod 5.

This bruteforce is only O(4^5 \cdot some check ) , so it is really fast.

Afterwards, it gives 38 cases that the frequency array of all the numbers \mod 5 in the final array should look like. If any frequence is 3, it means you can also add any number of this type \mod 5 to the array.

For each testcase, you just loop over these 38 cases, and do a simple greedy, to add the smallest possible numbers to the array while satisfying the frequency conditions of this case.

I did O(38 n \log(n)), but it is not that hard to do O(38 n)

I use 3^5 status, because we only to consider at most 2 elements for each number, except for 0 which needs to be not more than 2.

Your code that you submitted during contest isn’t visible to us. Can you please resubmit ?

Your code that you submitted during contest isn’t accessible to us. Can you please resubmit ?

i did a similar approach to jeroenodb for 4^5 for each state but i did in 32x5xn i’ll share my code.

maybe my code quality is not that good so please ask any questions if you want to.

They are all available at the usual place = CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone.