ABSNX - Editorial


Contest: Division 1
Contest: Division 2

Setter: Vinit
Tester: Radoslav Dimitrov
Editorialist: Taranpreet Singh




Stack and Fenwick Tree or Segment Tree


Given a sequence A of length N, Chef defines a contiguous subsequence A_{l \ldots r} as fruitful if |A_l-A_r| = max(A_{l \ldots r})-min(A_{l \ldots r})

Find the number of fruitful contiguous subsequences.

Note: A_{l \ldots r} denotes contiguous subsequence A_l, A_{l+1} \ldots A_{r-1}, A_r


  • A contiguous subsequence A_{l \ldots r} is fruitful if and only if A_l and A_r are minimum and maximum on the subsequence. This implies either A_l = min(A_{l \ldots r}) and A_r = max(A_{l \ldots r}), or A_l = max(A_{l \ldots r}) and A_r = min(A_{l \ldots r})
  • WLOG A_l \leq A_r, we need to count the number of contiguous subsequences with A_l being minimum and A_r being maximum.
  • If prev_i = max(j : j < i \land A_j > A_i) and nxt_i = min(j: j > i \land A_j < A_l) , we need number of pairs (l, r) such that prev_r \leq l \leq r \leq nxt_l. prev and nxt can be calculated using stack.
  • To find the number of valid pairs (l, r), we can iterate over l and update BIT only with r such that prev_r \leq r and query for number of r in range [l, nxt_l]
  • For A_l > A_r case, we can reverse array and repeat above. We need to exclude fruitful subsequences where A_l = A_r


The first subtask is trivial, so jumping directly to the final subtask.

First off, let’s assume l \leq r and A_l \leq A_r. We can handle case where A_l > A_r by reversing the sequence and repeating the following process again and excluding double-counted subsequences.

We have min(A_{l \ldots r}) \leq A_l \leq A_r \leq max(A_{l \ldots r}), Hence, max(A_{l \ldots r})-min(A_{l \ldots r}) = (max(A_{l \ldots r}) - A_r) + (A_r-A_l) + (A_l - min(A_{l \ldots r}))

For A_r-A_l = max(A_{l \ldots r})-min(A_{l \ldots r}), we need max(A_{l \ldots r})-A_r = 0 and A_l -min(A_{l \ldots r}) = 0 which implies that A_l = min(A_{l \ldots r}) and A_r = max(A_{l \ldots r})

Hence, we need to compute the number of pairs (l, r) with A_l \leq A_r which have l \leq r and A_l = min(A_{l \ldots r}) and A_r = max(A_{l \ldots r})

Let’s count the number of subsequences starting at l for each l. Suppose nxt > l denote the first position after l which have A_{nxt} < A_l. Hence, Beyond position nxt, A_l won’t be minimum, so we have constraint r < nxt. Using same analogy, Suppose prev < r denote the last position before r such that A_{prev} > A_r. We have constraint prev < l

Computing prev and nxt for each position (this can be done using stack in O(N) time, as explained here. Google Next Greater Element/Previous Greater Element for details).

We have prev_i = max(j : j < i \land A_j > A_i) and nxt_i = min(j: j > i \land A_j < A_l)
For a fruitful contiguous subsequence (l, r), we have prev_r < l \leq r < nxt_l.

Here, we can simply use Merge Sort Tree to solve the problem in O(N*log^2(N)) time by building Merge Sort on nxt and querying (prev_r, r] for number of elements greater than r

But we have an efficient approach. Let’s fix l and consider all such r which have prev_r < l. We need the number of such r which have l \leq r < nxt_l. We need to use a range structure (Fenwick Tree would be best here).

Let’s sort all pairs (prev_r, r) by prev_r and considering l from left to right, we can have a pointer moving towards the right, considering all such r which have prev_r < l. We can update all such r in Fenwick Tree and query for the number of values in range [l, nxt_l)

Excluding double-counted subsequences

Consider pairs (l, r) which have min(A_{l \ldots r}) = A_l = A_r = max(A_{l \ldots r}). These subsequences shall be counted both times, so we need to subtract these. It is easy to see these are just the number of subarrays with equal values and can be computed easily.

Refer to implementations below in case anything is unclear.


The time complexity is O(N*log(N)) per test case.


Setter's Solution
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
#define LG 20
#define N 300005
ll mod = 1000;
vector<ll> a;
ll n;
ll dp[LG][N];
ll solve_full()
	//initializing dp
	for(ll j=0;j<LG;j++)
		for(ll i=0;i<n;i++)
	vector<ll> nxt(n);
	stack<ll> s;
	for(ll i=1;i<n;i++)
		if (s.empty())
		while(!s.empty() and a[s.top()]>=a[i])
			nxt[s.top()] = i;
	for(ll i=0;i<n;i++)
		dp[0][i] = nxt[i];
	for(ll j=1;j<LG;j++)
		for(ll i=0;i<n;i++)
				dp[j][i] = dp[j-1][dp[j-1][i]];			
	for(ll i=1;i<n;i++)
	    if (s.empty())
	    while(!s.empty() and a[s.top()]<a[i])
	        nxt[s.top()] = i;
	long long ans = 0;
	for(ll i=0;i<n;i++)
		ll val = nxt[i];
		ll t = i;
		for(ll j=LG-1;j>=0;j--)
			if (dp[j][t]!=-1)
				if (dp[j][t]<val)
	return ans;
ll efficientmethod()
	ll p[n];
	long long ans = 0;
	for(ll i=0;i<n;i++)
		if (i>0 and a[i]==a[i-1])
	//in this method , we will counting all subarray that have only one element 2 times.
	// eg . [12,12,12] = so, [1,2],[1,3],[2,3] will be counted twice.
	// so, subtract them once.
	//all subarray of size 1 are included in answer.
	return ans;
int main()
	ll t;
		for(ll i=0;i<n;i++)
			ll v;
		ll ans = efficientmethod();
Tester's Solution
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define endl '\n'

#define SZ(x) ((int)x.size())
#define ALL(V) V.begin(), V.end()
#define L_B lower_bound
#define U_B upper_bound
#define pb push_back

using namespace std;
template<class T, class T1> int chkmin(T &x, const T1 &y) { return x > y ? x = y, 1 : 0; }
template<class T, class T1> int chkmax(T &x, const T1 &y) { return x < y ? x = y, 1 : 0; }
const int MAXN = (1 << 20);

// Main observation is that {minimum(a[l..r]), maximum(a[l..r])} = {a[l], a[r]}   
// i.e. the minimum and maximum will be at the corners of the array 

template <class T>
struct fenwick {
	int sz;
	T tr[MAXN];

	void init(int n) {
		sz = n + 2;
		memset(tr, 0, sizeof(tr));

	T query(int idx) {
		idx += 1;
		T ans = 0;
		for(; idx >= 1; idx -= (idx & -idx))
			ans += tr[idx];
		return ans;

	void update(int idx, T val) {
		idx += 1;
		if(idx <= 0) return;
		for(; idx <= sz; idx += (idx & -idx))
			tr[idx] += val;

	T query(int l, int r) { return query(r) - query(l - 1); }

int n;
int a[MAXN];

void read() {
	cin >> n;
	for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		cin >> a[i];

int nxt[MAXN];     // nxt[i] = min j such that i < j and a[i] > a[j]

fenwick<int> t;

vector<int> li[MAXN];

int64_t solve_() {
	for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

	t.init(n + 2);

	vector<int> st;
	for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		while(!st.empty() && a[st.back()] <= a[i]) {

		if(st.empty()) {
			t.update(i, 1);
		} else {



	for(int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
		while(!st.empty() && a[st.back()] >= a[i]) {

		if(st.empty()) {
			nxt[i] = n;
		} else {
			nxt[i] = st.back();


	int64_t ret = 0;
	for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		for(int j: li[i]) {
			t.update(j, 1);
		ret += t.query(i, nxt[i] - 1);
		t.update(i, -1);

	return ret;

void solve() {
	// A neat way to implement it is to count the number of segments, where a[l] <= a[r]. Then reverse the array and find this count again.
	// However, there will be a problem that we count the subarrays with a[l] = a[r] twice, but those should have all of their values same, so 
	// we can find this count easily and then subtract it from the answer.

	int64_t answer = 0;
	answer += solve_();
	reverse(a, a + n);
	answer += solve_();

	// Subtrack overcounted subarrays.
	int cnt = 1;
	for(int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
		if(a[i] != a[i - 1]) {
			answer -= cnt * 1ll * (cnt + 1) / 2ll;
			cnt = 1;
		} else cnt++;

	answer -= cnt * 1ll * (cnt + 1) / 2ll;
	cout << answer << endl;

int main() {

	int T;
	cin >> T;
	while(T--) {

	return 0;
Editorialist's Solution (using Merge Sort Tree)
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.text.*;
class ABSNX{
	void pre() throws Exception{}
	void solve(int TC) throws Exception{
	    int N = ni();
	    long[] A = new long[N];
	    for(int i = 0; i< N; i++)A[i] = nl();
	    long ans = 0;
	        //Fixing A[l] as minimum, A[r] as maximum
	        int[] nxt = new int[N];
	        Stack<Integer> s = new Stack<>();
	        for(int i = N-1; i>= 0; i--){
	            while(!s.isEmpty() && A[s.peek()] >= A[i])s.pop();
	            nxt[i] = s.isEmpty()?N:s.peek();
	        int[] prev = new int[N];
	        for(int i = 0; i< N; i++){
	            while(!s.isEmpty() && A[s.peek()] <= A[i])s.pop();
	            prev[i] = s.isEmpty()?-1:s.peek();
	        MergeSortTree MST = new MergeSortTree(nxt);
	        for(int i = 0; i< N; i++)
	            ans += MST.countGreater(prev[i]+1, i, i);
	        //Fixing A[l] as maximum, A[r] as minimum
	        int[] prev = new int[N], nxt = new int[N];
	        Stack<Integer> s = new Stack<>();
	        for(int i = N-1; i>= 0; i--){
	            while(!s.isEmpty() && A[s.peek()] <= A[i])s.pop();
	            nxt[i] = s.isEmpty()?N:s.peek();
	        for(int i = 0; i< N; i++){
	            while(!s.isEmpty() && A[s.peek()] >= A[i])s.pop();
	            prev[i] = s.isEmpty()?-1:s.peek();
	        MergeSortTree MST = new MergeSortTree(nxt);
	        for(int i = 0; i< N; i++)
	            ans += MST.countGreater(prev[i]+1, i, i);
	    //Removing double counted subarrays, (subarrays with max(A[l..r]) == min(A[l..r])
	    for(int i = 0, j = 0; i< A.length; i = j){
	        while(j< A.length && A[i] == A[j])j++;
	        long len = j-i;
	        ans -= (len*len+len)/2;
	class MergeSortTree{
	    int m = 1;
	    int[][] t;
	    public MergeSortTree(int[] A){
	        t = new int[m<<1][];
	        for(int i = 0; i< A.length; i++)
	            t[i+m] = new int[]{A[i]};
	        for(int i = A.length; i< m; i++)t[i+m] = new int[0];
	        for(int i = m-1; i> 0; i--){
	            int p1 = 0, p2 = 0, p = 0;
	            t[i] = new int[t[i<<1].length+t[i<<1|1].length];
	            while(p1 < t[i<<1].length && p2 < t[i<<1|1].length){
	                if(t[i<<1][p1] <= t[i<<1|1][p2])t[i][p++] = t[i<<1][p1++];
	                else t[i][p++] = t[i<<1|1][p2++];
	            while(p1 < t[i<<1].length)t[i][p++] = t[i<<1][p1++];
	            while(p2 < t[i<<1|1].length)t[i][p++] = t[i<<1|1][p2++];
	    int countSmaller(int l, int r, int x){
	        return countSmaller(l, r, 0, m-1, 1, x);
	    int countGreater(int l, int r, int x){
	        return countGreater(l, r, 0, m-1, 1, x);
	    int countGreater(int l, int r, int ll, int rr, int i, int x){
	        if(l == ll && r == rr){
	            int lo = 0, hi = t[i].length-1;
	            if(t[i][hi] <= x)return 0;
	            while(lo+1 < hi){
	                int mid = (lo+hi)/2;
	                if(t[i][mid] > x)hi = mid;
	                else lo = mid;
	            if(t[i][lo] > x)hi = lo;
	            return t[i].length-hi;
	        int mid = (ll+rr)/2;
	        if(r <= mid)return countGreater(l, r, ll, mid, i<<1, x);
	        else if(l > mid)return countGreater(l, r, mid+1, rr, i<<1|1, x);
	        else return countGreater(l, mid, ll, mid, i<<1, x)+countGreater(mid+1, r, mid+1, rr, i<<1|1, x);
	    int countSmaller(int l, int r, int ll, int rr, int i, int x){
	        if(l == ll && r == rr){
	            int lo = 0, hi = t[i].length-1;
	            if(t[i][lo] >= x)return 0;
	            while(lo+1 < hi){
	                int mid = (lo+hi)/2;
	                if(t[i][mid] < x)lo = mid;
	                else hi = mid;
	            if(t[i][hi] < x)lo = hi;
	            return lo+1;
	        int mid = (ll+rr)/2;
	        if(r <= mid)return countSmaller(l, r, ll, mid, i<<1, x);
	        else if(l > mid)return countSmaller(l, r, mid+1, rr, i<<1|1, x);
	        else return countSmaller(l, mid, ll, mid, i<<1, x)+countSmaller(mid+1, r, mid+1, rr, i<<1|1, x);
	void hold(boolean b)throws Exception{if(!b)throw new Exception("Hold right there, Sparky!");}
	DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00000000000");
	static boolean multipleTC = true;
	FastReader in;PrintWriter out;
	void run() throws Exception{
	    in = new FastReader();
	    out = new PrintWriter(System.out);
	    //Solution Credits: Taranpreet Singh
	    int T = (multipleTC)?ni():1;
	    pre();for(int t = 1; t<= T; t++)solve(t);
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
	    new ABSNX().run();
	int bit(long n){return (n==0)?0:(1+bit(n&(n-1)));}
	void p(Object o){out.print(o);}
	void pn(Object o){out.println(o);}
	void pni(Object o){out.println(o);out.flush();}
	String n()throws Exception{return in.next();}
	String nln()throws Exception{return in.nextLine();}
	int ni()throws Exception{return Integer.parseInt(in.next());}
	long nl()throws Exception{return Long.parseLong(in.next());}
	double nd()throws Exception{return Double.parseDouble(in.next());}

	class FastReader{
	    BufferedReader br;
	    StringTokenizer st;
	    public FastReader(){
	        br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));

	    public FastReader(String s) throws Exception{
	        br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(s));

	    String next() throws Exception{
	        while (st == null || !st.hasMoreElements()){
	                st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine());
	            }catch (IOException  e){
	                throw new Exception(e.toString());
	        return st.nextToken();

	    String nextLine() throws Exception{
	        String str = "";
	            str = br.readLine();
	        }catch (IOException e){
	            throw new Exception(e.toString());
	        return str;

Feel free to share your approach. Suggestions are welcomed as always. :slight_smile:


It is Very Strict Time Limit. My time complexity was O(2nlog(2n)) it failed on one subtask

Similar situation in my case too.
My complexity was O(2 * n * log(n)). Really depressing.

I tried the same with pbds but ended up replacing with Fenwick tree due to tle, pbds is significantly slower than Fenwick tree. I think the reason behind is it utilizing bitwise operations which are simple to process.


Seems like my approach is different from the editorial. I am sharing it here.
Used Divide and conquer with sliding window for solving this problem in O(n*log(n)).


  • We find answer of subarrays which lies completely inside both children respectively recursively and add their count of subarrays to parent.

  • For left children we keep min and max value of suffix having leftmost element of suffix as min or max value of the suffix. ( stored in vector “mx” and “mn” in my code)

  • For right children we keep all prefix having rightmost element of prefix as min or max value of the suffix. ( stored in vector “mx” and “mn” in my code)

  • The mn,mx pair is naturally sorted as mn decreasing and mx increasing throughout all pairs. ( So it sorted in non increasing order if we see min value and at the same time it is also sorted in non decreasing order in we look at max value)

  • Now parent will find all the subarrays which starts in left child and ends in right child using two pointers.

  • For that we will try to pair suffix arrays of left child whose leftmost element is its minimum value with prefix arrays of right child whose rightmost element is its max value and vice versa (i.e max from left and min from right).

  • Suppose we select ith suffix then there will be a range l_i,r_i such that the all the ranges (valid prefix of right child) with index in range l_i,r_i are valid for this suffix.

  • If you think or observe, l_i <= l_{i+1} and r_i <= r_{i+1}. Hence we can use sliding window here.

  • Also we will have to exclude double-counted subsequences as mentioned in editorial.

Example to help you observe and understand better
  • Left child elements
  0 20 0 1 5 3 2 8 2 3 4 6 4 
  • Left Child’s min and max value of prefix where leftmost element is its min value
  4 4 ( considering 4 )
  4 6 ( considering 4 6 4)
  3 6 ( considering 3 4 6 4)
  2 6 ...
  2 8 ( considering 2 8 2 3 4 6 4)
  0 8 
  0 20
  • Right child’s elements
  5 3 5 7 7 1 7 0 8 10 15 20
  • Right Child’s min and max value where rightmost element is its max value
  5 5
  3 5  ( 5 3 5)
  3 7  ( 5 3 5 7)
  3 7 ( 5 3 5 7 7)
  1 7 
  0 8 (5 3 5 7 7 1 7 0 8)
  0 10
  0 15 
  0 20

Feel free to ask in case you have any query.


Here, since we know that max/ min element has to be one of a[L] and a[R], so is it not correct to find out the continuous increasing ,decreasing subseq in the array and count the no. of subarrays in those continuous increasing and decreasing subseq.
(here ans-1 at each step is done remove the overlapping element in two consecutive increasing , decreasing segment )
It would be a great help if somebody could point out the mistake…

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Yes, I also thought the same logic. Can anyone point out the flaw in the logic?

Consider this test:
10 9 10 9

Actual answer 10, your answer 7

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actual ans must be 8

okay got the error in logic … my logic is not including subseq 10 9 10 9 …
PS: actual answer would be 8

i can’t understand this part… can someone please elaborate.?

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Can anyone explain the query and update part in fenwick tree with l nxtl prevr r in more detail as that part is not detailed by editorialist well?

Anyone please explain this part! Thanks in advance

Imortant thing to observe here is that all l, r, prev( r),next(l) are all indices in the array.

As per the give equation defined above you can see that if you think of l and r as two indices then l must repsect the property of r (>prev( r)) and r must respect the property of l (<next(l)).

so if we iterte over l, then for a particular l, all the rs having prev( r)<l have already been processed (we can sort and go through prev( r), untill prev( r) >= l), so we mark all the rs corresponding to those prev( r)s in our BIT (Binary Indexed Tree), now we just have to find out of all the rs marked how many of them are between l and next(l), that we do by doing a simple query.

when we do that for all l we will get the answer.

I implemented merge sort tree in recursive fashion but got TLE, as the editorial solution creates merge sort tree in iterative way, is my recurive method the reason for me getting TLE

link to my code

That’s something you’ll probably have to benchmark with a maxtest, there’s not much of a way for anyone to know that

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Thank you for more detailed explanation , I will try understanding if not I will again disturb you by asking it , OK

I think I’m using the same logic as given in the editorial, but I’m still getting TLE.
I didn’t completely understand the fenwick tree method given in the editorial. What I did was for every r = 0 to r = n-1, I found the values of l that have next[l] > r using fenwick tree (Number of elements greater than K in the range L to R using Fenwick Tree (Offline queries) - GeeksforGeeks). I think this is the same logic given in the editorial. Then I reversed the array and computed the count again and then subtracted the common elements as mentioned in the editorial. I have no idea why I’m getting TLE. Please help…
Code: CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

Has anybody solved this using segment trees?