All new Weekly Leagues!

Weekly Leagues: Learning on CodeChef is now more fun :star_struck:
Weekly Leagues are live now. You must be wondering what is this all about? How does Leagues work? Let’s figure this out.

1. What are Leagues??
They’re skill-based levels. There are currently 5 leagues

  1. Rookie league
  2. Bronze league
  3. Silver league
  4. Gold league
  5. Diamond league

Each league represents your growing expertise and dedication.

2. I am currently in Rookie league. How do I get promoted from current league to the next?
Your goal is to stay at the top 10 by the end of the week in your leaderboard of 30 peers. If you stay at top 10, you will be promoted to next league. For that, you need to keep earning XPs and beat your peers

3. What are XP (Experience Points)? How do I earn them?
Every correct submission you make, earns you Experience Points (XP). The key to earn XP points is to keep learning and practicing on CodeChef.

4. Can I lose my League?
Yes, if your rank is at the bottom 10, you will be demoted to the lower leagues in the coming weeks. Also, if you don’t participate in consecutive weekly challenges, you will be demoted.

5. How can I participate in a weekly league challenge?
In any week, the moment you make your first submission, you are assigned a leaderboard. A typical challenge week starts from Monday 12:00 am IST and ends on Sunday 11:59PM.

In this time, the very moment you make a submission you automatically participate in the challenge.

Weekly leagues are a way to help you stay consistent in your learning journey. Every week you get to compete with 30 random CodeChef users who are also competing to level up their Leagues, week-on-week!

Stay in the top 10 ranks before the league ends (i.e Sunday 11:59 PM IST). Keep making correct submissions and keep earning XP. Note that if you are in the last 10 in the leaderboard, you will be demoted to lower levels!

What are you waiting for? Go make your first submission! Learn a skill and achieve mastery.

Tell us what more you want to know about this new feature!?


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