Am I Doing right?

I’ve took the premium of the CodeChef and started doing the 5 star program of CodeChef. What I do is keep doing question in order, if I feel struck and couldn’t find any clue in 10mins then I look at the solution. I’m a java coder and have a basic knowledge on how to use these five DS in coding (array, stack ,queue, Hashmap, set and trees). Problem is even after all this I’m not being able to even reach 2*. should I keep doing this or any other tip or suggestion to grow in competitive?

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brother thats ok , dont worry . Success doesn’t come from single day. What i suggest you is keep practicing everyday in codechef because it is a very good place to learn and it is completely beginner friendly. Also brother what you are doing is perfectly correct. If you didn’t find the answer for one particular question which you are trying to solve , see the answer and try to learn the concept from that .

Can you share the model and the prompt you used to generate your solution for the last contests? You must have really good prompting skills given you got the solution for a 2400 rated problem

that is what known as practice brother

okay and Thank you for your encouraging words.

welcome <3