Ambiguity in cook off ...... MVAL

the sequence you need to print is the sequence you actually swapped … but there is an ambiguity the sample has no explanation for that and i was printing the values of the sequence which would produce the maximum sum… i.e all positive numbers … also in the sample case luckily matches my output this creates a big ambiguity … hence i request admin to please provide sample explanation…
don’t just leave that section blank…

here is my wa solution…

the culprit was this sentence … “Find its maximum possible value and a subsequence which you should select in order to obtain this maximum value.”

here i thought i need to print the sequence having maximum sum … rather than printing the sequence you selected to swap…


i would say whole statement was culprit.


i don’t understand why codechef don’t provide sample explanations…

finally got it they wanted indexes.

Find its maximum possible value and a subsequence which you should select in order to obtain this maximum value. If there are multiple solutions, you may find any one of them.

did they mentioned which subsequence or in which form to print ? NO

The second line should contain an integer K followed by a space and K space-separated integers i_1,i_2,…,i_K

did they used the word indices ? NO.


yes bro but now it’s late…contest is over and ratings are penalized due to stupid statements and no proper explanation

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