Any proper argument against "Having alt account is fine"?

Recently the discussions regarding the plagiarism are divided into two interesting opinions:

1- Having alternate accounts to test solutions before submitting from main account is fine.
2- Having alternate accounts to test solutions before submitting from main account is not fine.

So, my view on this is : it’s not fine.
Because you submit solutions from 2 different account , you are actually adding one extra fake-id to the ranklist. And everyone on the ranklist below that fake-id get their ratings affected by that.

Testing solution from alt account (even though you haven’t copied from somewhere) is against the basic rules of the competition.

For short contests

  • You prevent yourself from getting penalty which you deserve.

For short and long contests-

  • You affect the ranklist because you will keep on submitting from fake id until it gets AC, and after it gets AC you submit from main account and that puts 1 extra account on the ranklist which pushes down the ranks of all those people who didn’t manage to get AC.

Also one other irrelevant point is: it’s more thrilling and exciting to take the risk and do it.
You are just killing the fun/adrenaline-rush that you could have experienced.

Any other logical points in support of my view or anything that contradicts my arguments?