Author: Tanuj Khattar
Editorialist: Man Mohan Mishra
Dynamic Programming
You are given two positive integers A and B. Find count of numbers having even length palindrome as well as odd (more than 1) length palindrome as substring in range (A,B] (A is excluded, B is included).
Let Count(N) = count of numbers having even length palindrome as well as odd (more than 1) length palindrome in range [1,N].
Answer of the problem will be Count(B) - Count(A).
Count(N) can be calculated using digit-dynamic programming.
The necessary and sufficient condition for a number to be having even length palindrome as well as odd (more than 1) length palindrome as substring is:
- Number must have a palindrome of length 2 as substring AND number must have a palindrome of length 3 as substring.
Now, function Count(N) can be implemented using digit-by-digit dp.
We maintain a 6-state Dp dp[index][2nd_last_digit][last_digit][is_odd_palin_found][is_even_palin_found][is_equal]. The states are:
- index: index of current digit
- 2nd_last_digit: 2nd last digit of the number formed till now
- last_digit: last digit of the number formed till now
- is_odd_palin_found: denotes if a palindrome of odd length (palindrome of length 3 to be precise) is found till now or not
- is_even_palin_found: denotes if a palindrome of even length (palindrome of length 2 to be precise) is found till now or not
- is_equal: denotes if the number formed till now is precisely equal to the number formed by first that many digits of the given number or less
Now we can give the recurrence for this dp.
Suppose dig is the vector containing the digits of given number from left to right and cur_digit is the digit that we want to append at the end of the number formed till now.
When is_equal is 0 (number formed till now is less than the number formed by first that many digits of the given number), the recurrence will be following:
- dp[index + 1][last_digit][cur_digit][is_odd_palin_found | (2nd_last_digit == cur_digit)][is_even_palin_found | (last_digit == cur_digit)][is_equal = 0] += dp[index][2nd_last_digit][last_digit][is_odd_palin_found][is_even_palin_found][is_equal = 0]
When is_equal is 1 (number formed till now is equal to the number formed by first that many digits of the given number), the recurrence will be following:
- If cur_digit == dig[index]:
dp[index + 1][last_digit][cur_digit][is_odd_palin_found | (2nd_last_digit == cur_digit)][is_even_palin_found | (last_digit == cur_digit)][is_equal = 1] += dp[index][2nd_last_digit][last_digit][is_odd_palin_found][is_even_palin_found][is_equal = 1]
- If cur_digit < dig[index]:
dp[index + 1][last_digit][cur_digit][is_odd_palin_found | (2nd_last_digit == cur_digit)][is_even_palin_found | (last_digit == cur_digit)][is_equal = 0] += dp[index][2nd_last_digit][last_digit][is_odd_palin_found][is_even_palin_found][is_equal = 1]
- If cur_digit > dig[index]: No change as the number formed by this way will be greater than the number formed by first that many digits of the given number.
Please follow the solution under SAMPLE SOLUTIONS section for implementation details.