Argument to "Coders don't have a life"

What you like is your life, and being competent in something automatically gives you self-confidence. There, argument broken.

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Bro!! It might be true that people who aspire to be great competitive coders work really hard to achieve that but that does not mean that they don’t have a life.What i personally feel is that they may seem dull to some but they are the ones ,most likely to be enjoying their lives ahead.
And "coders cannot talk to a girl " is pure BS.

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just ignore them
I code, develop apps and even play cs with my friends + got a rich hostel life .
we as coders have to do a lot, participating in fun hackathons , work with teammates as part of codingclub, organise tech events at fests and so much more!
we do have a rich vibrant life too!

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Coders don’t have a life, coders control your life.



that is the biggest bull crap ive heard, ive been doing it for an year now, my mom only nags that im always stuck in laptop but deep down she understands that what i do is my passion, nd only people having passion succeed in their field. so dont be discouraged by this, nd the most important thing, choose a friend circle nd better friends that motivate u towards ur goal, nd if possible are themselves from the same field, then u might feel better while doing what u love
u cant excel in anything until u love it like crazy, nd not having a girlfriend is not something u can blame on coding, thats whole another genre, nd a lot of factors are involved. im saying this coz i have a really loving girlfriend nd she understands why i do it, nd ive involved even her into coding.
people of my class werent into CP at all, i brought them into it, so u choose what u have to be nd not let others sway u differently