BDGFT - Editorial

Understood. Thanks for the response. :blush:

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can someone suggest an optimization for my solution CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

can you please explain the condition a[i]!=a[i-1] and cnt1==j

i am counting the number of 1s in the range from i to i+p-1 (both inclusive) using prefix sum…
so when i=0–>no of 1s=a[i+p-1]-a[i]+1------(if a[i]=1)
---------------------------------=a[i+p-1]-a[i]---------(if a[i]!=1)

and when i!=0–>no of 1s=a[i+p-1]-a[i]+1— (if a[i]!=a[i-1])
------------------------------------=a[i+p-1]-a[i] ------(if a[i]==a[i-1])

try taking some examples and dry run my code on it you will understand everything…
happy coding !! :slight_smile:

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Getting TLE using Python. Is really time limit that strict ?

from math import sqrt

def Calc(s, size):
		The normal sliding window counter function
		Counts how many sliding window of length=size have sum=ReqSum
	left,right = 0,size
	CurSum,CurCount = sum(s[:size]),0
	n,m = size,len(s)
	ReqSum = (int(sqrt(1+4*n)-1)/2)

	if CurSum==ReqSum:
		CurCount += 1

	while right < m:
		CurSum -= s[left]
		CurSum += s[right]
		left += 1
		right += 1

		CurCount += 1 if CurSum == ReqSum else 0

	return CurCount

def isSquare(n):
		Returns True if 4n+1 is a perfect square and sqrt(4n+1)-1 is even
	n = 4*n+1
	m = int(sqrt(n))
	return True if m*m==n and (int(sqrt(n))+1)%2==0 else False 

def solve():
		function to solve each testcase
	s = list(map(int,input()))
	ans,n = 0,len(s)
	for i in range(1,n+1):
		if isSquare(i):
			ans += Calc(s,i)

if __name__=='__main__':
	test = int(input().strip())
	for testcase in range(test):

Edit : While the same implementation passes easily in c++

using namespace std; 

#define ll long long int

vector<int> s;
int n;

bool isSquare(int len){
    // Returns True if 4n+1 is a perfect square and sqrt(4n+1)-1 is even
    len = 4*len+1;
    int n=sqrt(len);
    if(n*n != len)
        return false;
    else if((n-1)%2 != 0)
        return false;
    return true;

int calc(int len){
		The normal sliding window counter function
		Counts how many sliding window of length=size have sum=ReqSum
    int CurSum=0,ReqSum=((int)sqrt(4*len+1)-1)/2;
    int left=0,right=0;
    while(right < len){
        CurSum += s[right];
        right += 1;
    int ans=0;
    if(CurSum == ReqSum)
        ans += 1;
    while(right < s.size()){
        CurSum -= s[left];
        CurSum += s[right];
        left += 1;
        right += 1;
        if(CurSum == ReqSum)
            ans += 1;

    return ans;

void solve(){
    string ss;  cin >> ss;
    n = ss.size();
    for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
        s[i] = ss[i]-'0';

    int ans=0;
    for(int len=1;len<=n;len++){
            ans += calc(len);
    cout << ans << '\n';

int main(){
    int test;
    cin >> test;

    return 0;

basically suppose you already know the answer for string s for length n and a new character is added so n new substrings will now added. Now you have to check how many new substrings will satisfy the given criteria and add it to the previous answer and it will be your new ans. complexity of it will o(n sq) but if you notice any substring that satisfy the given condition will always be of length ixi+i i.e. 1,6,12,20 etc so instead of checking every new substring you can check only substring having length of type ixi+i complexity will be optimized to o(n root n) using this method.Hope you understand and sorry for my bad english this is the link of the approach i used.

my simple java solution, using sliding windows,
uses O(1) extra space, time complexity same as editorial

Was stuck for 2 hr because of this, i was thinking of O(n) solution, finally had to give up and see tutorial to find this! so disappointing

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Can Anyone Help why is my code getting TLE.

Those who are not able to understand this problem you must dry run this question on paper and then think how prefix-sum+ sliding window + O(n*sqrt(n)) can work here . This is enough hint to solve this problem .

I am telling my solution hope this will help some beginner

  1. First observation of this is that length of string is always (zero==x ) x*x+x , because *one one =zero so no of one are x*x so total length is x*x+x .
  2. then we got size of your window which is always of length x*x+x then next step is to calculate no of zeros and ones for each index which we done using prefix as it is O(n) approach .
  3. then for each widow check whether one*one ==zero then count++ .
    then print count .
    Sorry for my poor english !

My O(N*sqrt(N)) solution of sliding window is TLE.

I am getting TLE

I did’t get this statement , could you eleborate more on this if(cnt1==i)


aye, your solution is O(n*n)

as mentioned in the editorial, maximum length of window can be, (x*x +x) where x is count1.

so you iterate ,

for(int i=1; i*i + i <= s.length(); i++)


as @l_returns said in above comments,

don’t use multiplication(since it can be costly) i.e rather than using one*one == zero,
use (one == 1)

thats it!

Hi, this is my code in C++ using the same approach as the editorialist’s. I am getting TLE. Can anyone figure out the problem in it?

Here’s the link to my solution : CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

Thanks for the optimization. I took the same approach but faced TLE. This one solved it!
Still, didn’t know that multiplication could be this costly.:open_mouth:

i am unable to get the solution can anyone explain me the working of this source code

Finally solved it :hot_face:. Am glad I thought the editorialist approach on my own.
Here is my solution
All the suggestions are welcomed :grin:

Can we also solve this problem using two pointer approach? if yes can anyone guide me in implementing it, please? and if no, can you give viable reasons, please …