Bits/stdc++ in sublime text 3

I am using windows os and i search a tutorial on how to set bits/stdc++ in sublime text
But i not find any useful video.

If anyone known how to setup this header file plz help me

bits/stdc++ is a header file. You don’t have to set it!
just write #include<bits/stdc++.h> at the beginning of the code section, as you do with other header files.

But compiler gives me error

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Please post the error here. If you are using any other compiler than GNU, it might give some error.

Instead use VS Code it has built in extension of c/c++ which has all header files and is so easy to segregate code using it.

I dont think so, we need to set up bits/stdc++ in sublime to access its headers

If you are asking for percompiling
then go to the folder in which you have stc++.h file and run this command g++ -std=c++17 stdc++.h

If you don’t have stdc++.h file then download it paste it in your bits folder

Yeah, you are right. My bad.

Where do i find bits folder?

This will lead to bits folder and all the files inside it.