Setter: Manuj Nanthan
Tester: Aryan Choudhary
Editorialist: Ajit Sharma Kasturi
Given a number N, we need to find the number of distinct valuyes possible for i \oplus j where 1 \leq i, j \leq N.
If N = 1, the possible xor values are 1 \oplus 1 = 0 which has 1 unique value.
If N = 2, the possible xor values are 1 \oplus 1 = 0, 1 \oplus 2 = 1, 2 \oplus 2 = 0 which has 2 unique values.
For the remaining cases, we consider N \geq 3.
Let us define x as the highest power for which 2^x \leq N.
Suppose 2^x \lt N. I claim that we can get all the numbers from 0 to 2^{x+1} -1. This can be achieved by the following way:
For the numbers num which have bit x set and are greater than 2^x, it can be formed by (2^x, 2^x \oplus num). For example, let N = 12, then we have x = 3. Number 12 (1100 in binary ) can be formed by (2^3(1000), 4(0100)).
Number 0 can be formed by (1, 1) since 1 \oplus 1 = 0. Number 1 can be formed by (2, 3) since 2 \oplus 3 = 1. For the remaining numbers 1 \lt num \leq 2^x, we can simply get them as (1, num \oplus 1). For example, 2 = 1 \oplus 3, 3=1 \oplus 2 and so on.
By the property of xor, num \oplus 1 is either num +1 or num -1, so if 1 \lt num \leq 2^x \lt N, 1 \leq num \oplus 1 \leq N. Hence these pairs of numbers will always be valid.
Now what happens if 2^x = N ? All of the above cases hold true except for the case of num = 2^x. We cannot get this from any xor pair (i, j) where 1 \leq i, j \leq 2^x. Since the only number with bit x set is 2^x, we must keep i = 2^x. Then for i \oplus j = 2^x, we must keep j=0, which we cannot do since j \geq 1. Hence, in this case, except 2^x, we can get xor pair for any number from 0 to 2^{x + 1} -1.
O(\log N) for each testcase.
Editorialist's solution
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define ll long long int
using namespace std;
int main() {
int tests;
cin >> tests;
while (tests--) {
ll n;
cin >> n;
ll ans = 1;
int MOD = 1e9 + 7;
// Special case
if (n == 2) {
cout << 2 << endl;
while (ans < n) {
ans *= 2;
if (ans == n) {
ans *= 2;
cout << ans % MOD << endl;
return 0;
Setter's solution
#from itertools import *
#from math import *
#from bisect import *
#from collections import *
#from random import *
#from decimal import *
#from heapq import *
#from itertools import * # Things Change ....remember :)
import sys
def inp():
return int(input())
def st():
return input().rstrip('\n')
def lis():
return list(map(int,input().split()))
def ma():
return map(int,input().split())
p=10**9 + 7
Tester's solution
def main():
for _ in range(int(input())):
if n<=2:
elif n&(n-1):
Please comment below if you have any questions, alternate solutions, or suggestions. 
1 Like
This is my solution which I believe runs in O(1) for each testcase. Tell me if the complexity is wrong.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define long long ll
const int MOD = 1e9+7;
// To find the highest power of 2 less than or equal to the given number.
ll highestPow(ll n) {
n |= n >> 1;
n |= n >> 2;
n |= n >> 4;
n |= n >> 8;
n |= n >> 16;
n |= n >> 32;
return n ^ (n >> 1);
void solve() {
ll n;
cin >> n;
if(n == 2) {
cout << 2 << '/n';
if(n == highestPow(n)) {
n <<= 1;
cout << (n - 1) % MOD << '/n';
else {
n = highestPow(n);
n <<= 1;
cout << n % MOD << '/n';
int main() {
int tt;
cin >> tt;
while(tt--) {
return 0;
Also, thanks editorialist for a clean solution. Haven’t seen a clean solution in a while.
Hii bro thanks for the solution !!!
Can you tell plz tell me where i am going wrong
void solve(){
ll n;
cin >> n;
set<int> st;
if (n == 1){
cout << 1 << '\n'; return;
if (n == 2){
cout << 2 << '\n'; return;
vector<int> x;
while (n != 0){
n = n/2;
ll ans = 0;
for (ll i = 0 ; i< (ll) x.size() ; i++){
ans = (ans + power(2ll , i))%MOD;
cout << (ans+1)%MOD << '\n';
… i tried few test cases with your code they are showing same ans but it is showing wa
I did the same thing in my solution (C language). I used induction to prove that for N\geq3, the number is the 2’s power higher than N except when N is a power of 2 when the value is 2N-1. My solution is here, which is also O(\log N) I believe (It’s done using the same logic as the above editorial). Here is the code for your reference -
#include <stdio.h>
#define PRIME 1000000007
int main(void) {
// your code goes here
int t, n, num, val;
scanf("%d", &t);
scanf("%d", &n);
if(n==1) num=1;
else if(n==2) num=2;
else num=val;
printf("%d\n", num%(PRIME));
return 0;
I got time limit exceeded (TLE) error in two tasks, I don’t know why.
Hi, you used int
but in the problem statement it’s mentioned that 1 <= N <= 10^12
, which cannot fit in int
data type that is why you are getting TLE. if you change int to long long
and type specifier to %lld
then you won’t get TLE.
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Can someone please tell me why my below 3 solutions are getting WA?
Solution 1
solution 2
solution 3
I did a little bit of “cheating” here
What I did is first I wrote a brute force solution and got the values for the first 10 numbers and searched the series in OEIS and I got this
Then I tried to write a solution based on the above OEIS formula but eventually got WA
Can someone please help me if my approach is wrong or am I calculating the mod incorrectly or if I am completely strayed off the correct path?
I believe you are not handling the case where N
is a power of 2. Your code is giving output for every N which is a power of 2 as N itself.
For example, for N = 4
, your output is 4, which is wrong. It should be 7.
Other cases are fine.
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Can you also share the implementation of the power()
function you used in your submission?
ll power(ll base , ll n){
ll ans = 1;
while (n!= 0){
if (n&1){
ans = (ansbase)%MOD;
n = n-1;
base = (basebase)%MOD;
n = n >> 1;
return ans;
here it is bro … kindly tell if there is a mistake
Well thanks it worked for me
so whenever the value of n is a power of 2, your code is giving the output as N it self.
eg - N = 4, output = 4, N = 8, output = 8,
but it should give the output as the (next power of 2 - 1).
eg: N = 4, output = nextPowerof2 - 1 = 8 - 1 = 7 (since after 4, 8 is the power of 2), similarly for
N = 8, output = nextPowerof2 - 1 = 16 - 1 = 15 (since after 8, 16 is the power of 2).
I hope this helps. let me know if you don’t understand something.
That’s because you did not take care of edge case. For N = 2, ans is not nextPowerOf2 - 1, it is 2 it self. You need to handle that case separately.
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Yes, as mentioned by @ankitksh81, you are not handling the case when N is a power of 2, correctly.
Thank you very much it worked
Can you please see my code and tell me what is wrong here? Python code inside.
We need to print the answer modulo 10^9 + 7. When I added this to your code, it got AC.
Solution link:
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Ohhh, I missed that part; need to learn to description better
. Thank you for your reply.
I tried this problem several times but couldn’t figure out where I am getting it wrong. Here is the code:
typedef long long ll;
using namespace std;
int main(){
ll T, N, i;
ll mod=pow(10, 9)+7;
cin >> T;
cin>> N;
else if(N & (N-1)==0){
ll bit=log2(N);
ll power=pow(2, bit+1);
cout<<power% mod<<endl;