BTINORDER - Editorial

Prerequisites :- Binary Trees.

Problem: Print nodes of a given binary tree in an inorder manner.

Solution Approach: Inorder traversal is another fundamental depth-first traversal method for binary trees. In inorder traversal, the nodes are visited in the following sequence:

    1. Traverse the Left Subtree:
      • Recursively perform an inorder traversal on the left subtree of the current node.
      • For each node in the left subtree, repeat step 1.
    1. Visit the Root Node:
      • Process/visit the data (or perform an operation) associated with the root node.
    1. Traverse the Right Subtree:
      • Recursively perform an inorder traversal on the right subtree of the current node.
      • For each node in the right subtree, repeat step 1.

Time complexity: O(N), where N is the number of nodes in the tree. Each node is visited once.

Space complexity: O(1), as we don’t need any extra space.