BYTES2013 questions

Why aren’t the questions of BYTES2013 not been added to the PEER section.Actually I wanted to solve the Rescue Balin Problem.


Please reply admins!

@karan173 , @rahul_nexus : 1. I have raised this issue earlier also , and it seems admins are a bit lazy in adding external contest problems to PEER section . Some of the contests organized 6 months ago also have not got their problems added to PEER section . 2. If you want a reply from admin in this regard and want to know by when it will be done for a particular contest , make an email to "" . They will reply you immediately if you contact them by email . Admins dont read the various forum posts , however they look and reply to emails very quickly . 3. When you are making a post directed to a particular person use the format @user_name anywhere in your comment , as this will automatically send an email to the concerned user and you can get faster response . So for admins you should use @admin . However this is more true for normal users than admins . When you want admins attention mail to "" or "" . This feature works if the person has enabled the “email me when i am annotated with @” options in notifications settings .