I was using C# for submissions for long time. But all of a sudden i am getting “You can’t submit in this language for this problem!” I am getting same error for existing problems which is solved using c#. Is codechef still supporting c#.
Yes, I am also facing this situation.
Tried TEST in C# just now and it is showing “You can’t submit in this language for this problem!”
Wonder what happened as there are some accepted solutions in C# for this problem.
No such problem with C or Java.
Maybe it is a temporary thing and codechef is modifying something related to C#.
Still getting same error. Does anyone know if C# support have been removed from codechef?
I do not have further info, but I’ll bet, that is it a bug (side effect of some other change), the best you can do is to contact CodeChef team - bugs@codechef.com Let us know, when you have more info.
Got reply from codechef team. It is working now Thanks for your help
This is really not good contest is running for almost 7 hours and one of the major language is not compiling and we have no official announcement from the codechef team or admin. Today is really bad day , TopCoder SRM 644 got topple and now in codechef C# is not working. Not good start to 2015
Already dropped an email on this issue. Still waiting for response.
Will update you all once i get any response from codechef team
I sent an e-mail too.
Any update ? ? ?
What about:
Got reply from codechef team. It is working now
Thanks for your help
You misunderstood me? @vivekindo85 wrote 6 hours back, that it was fixed!
But I’m not telling you are wrong, maybe you are trying something else. Are you using new editor? Because there is discussion, that it is buggy (as a new feature)…
Yup this is working now but i am quiet sure it was not working an hour ago. Anyhow Thanks a lot.