First of all, try and improve your debugging skills. You surely can’t ask others to look at your code in a contest, can you? Second of all, most of the codes I saw pasted out are formatted horribly, or are written so close to each other that makes it a pain to even look at them. Third of all, how are we supposed to understand what you are doing in your code and what to debug if you just leave the code there or say “I am getting correct answer on sample input case” and don’t say anything about what the heck you are even doing in the code?
Sorry, I just HATE to see useless posts like those ones. For god’s sake PLEASE just debug on your own. This forum is supposed to be for discussing, not spoonfeeding. Grab some guy’s Accepted code, generate some tests on your own, anything BUT posting an useless post that contributes nothing to the community and sit there waiting to be spoonfed a test.
Yeah, well said
They should debug their code for atleast basic test cases. I have seen a lot of code today failing in just basic test cases I don’t know why this happens either they are getting problem wrong or they just don’t want to understand the problem before implementing.
First you should try to understand the problem correctly then try to implement.
I am not saying we don’t want to help, we want to help but you also have try to do your help by yourself.
I completely agree too , people just tend to ask for help without debugging or even trying to read others solution. Its posts like these that just take up pages on discuss and proper questions are sidelined hence.
I asked this Question a while back Proc18c But it had no answers I tried to look for solutions couldnt understand any and hence posted this question. There were no answers but many people didnt get to see it either because of the " stupid wa in my code ".Its just frustrating at times . Thanks @ducpro for posting this.
PS :- If anyone could please answer this it would be nice @joffan specially , PROC18C(Awkward pairs)
I think the main problem arises when the coders start thinking that their code can’t go wrong. This used to happen a lot in my earlier days of programming. Instead of finding why it is going wrong I focused on how to make it correct and give me points.
Let me tell you, do not ever trust your “intuitions” in algorithms. The solution is either correct or incorrect in competitive coding. There is nothing like “almost correct” solutions. Beginners, please focus on proving the correctness of your solution.
I agree with you guys even I face these issues when I try to help people on discuss.
And mostly people who do not use this forum much, do these mistakes and eventually no one helps them.
And hence it is tough to make new people follow/understand these rules and problems
I need a help if anyone can help :
#question link : PDELIV #link to my query : LINK (Don’t worry , it’s not link to my solution directly XD)
As far as I know the development was stopped because of the lack of resources and the entire backend was in php. But I also read in some post that the developers were also planning to write the entire web application from scratch again with java backend and this time not just limited to codeforces users :D.
i believe that everyone asked for their code review from someone and before asking for suggestions they must ask and think themselves about their solution and how did they get there and is it write or wrong based on problem they are solving and code must be clean so that whoever helping you understand the problem first
i believe that everyone asked for their code review from someone and before asking for suggestions they must ask and think themselves about their solution and how did they get there and is it right or wrong based on problem they are solving and code must be clean so that whoever helping you understand the problem first
That is one of my biggest headaches. I just dont know how to make new users goto rules and tell that “In case you want help in your code, give a submission link and describe your logic.” No one wants to read rules
I have seen many people just pasting their codes and asking to debug/find a test case to fail solution or explain the solution which is explained in the editorial itself.
Pretty sure I’m guilty of that with November Challenge’s RECIPES :P. Attempted random bits and all types of ways in order to try and get just that 35 points. Failed though
Happens . Last year there was a very hard problem, but its brute force recursive solution was a simple recursion. Due to bad choice of input, it allowed precalculation of solution.
Few people ran the recursion overnight to precalculate and that gave AC and by AC I mean perfect 100. But, in this case it was a bad problem IMO.
Reminds me of what I did in a contest a few months ago XD. The task was to calculate number if non - repeating walks with k steps. I still don’t know how to do it, but since the limit was k <= 29, I just backtracked to find the answer. The contest was 3 hours, and my backtracking finished in 2.5 hours :D.