Can someone explain a point in EQUAKE - Editorial

Problem Link:EQUAKE Problem - CodeChef
Why in the editorial LINk:EQUAKE - Editorial
pseudo code

for i=1 to 11:
tree[node].ar[i] = tmp[(i + tree[node].p) % 12]; 

this has been done???I connnot understand this part that we are again rotating the array ??Since already arr[i] contains maximum value when range elements are roated by i position .

struct node
    int ar[12];
    // arr[i]=the maximum in the interval denoted by current node
    // where each element has been rotated by i.
    int p;
    // lazy flag for how many rotations are to be propagated

node tree[4*MAXN]; //declaring the tree

// we build the tree initially
build_tree(node, a, b)
    if(a==b)    // leaf node
	    for i=1 to 11:
		    tree[node].ar[i]=rotate(A[a],i)  // A[a] rotated by i.
    build_tree(node*2,a,(a+b)/2);   // build left child
    build_tree(1+node*2,1+(a+b)/2,b);   // build right child

    // initialise root value
    for(i=1 to 11)

// rotate each element A[i] to A[j] by value
update(node, a, b, i, j, value)
    if(tree[node].p!=0) // this node needs to be updated
	    //we need to rotate each element by tree[node].p
	    //this is equivalent to left circularly rotating the array tree[node].ar by tree[node].p
	    for i=1 to 11:
	        tree[node].ar[i] = tmp[(i + tree[node].p) % 12];

    	if(a!=b)    //propagate the rotation to children
	        tree[node*2].p += tree[node].p; // Mark child as lazy 
	        tree[node*2].p %= 12; 
	        tree[node*2+1].p += tree[node].p; // Mark child as lazy 
	        tree[node*2+1].p %= 12; 

    	tree[node].p=0; //reset the lazy flag for current interval
    if(current segment not with range [i,j])
    if(segment[a,b] within [i,j])
	    rotate whole array tree[node].ar by tree[node].p;
		    mark children as lazy;
    	reset current node;

    update_tree(node*2, a, (a+b)/2, i, j, value); // Updating left child
    update_tree(1+node*2, 1+(a+b)/2, b, i, j, value); // Updating right child

    for i=0 to 11
	    tree[node].ar[i] = max(tree[node*2].ar[i], tree[node*2+1].ar[i]);       // Init root value

//query tree to get max element value in range [i,j]
query(node, a, b, i, j)
    if [a,b] out of range: return -inf;
    if(tree[node].p!=0) // node needs to be updated
	    update array ar;
	    if(a!=b) mark children lazy;
	    reset current node;

    if(segment[a,b] with [i,j])
	    return tree[node].ar[tree[node].p];

    q1= query(node*2, a, (a+b)/2, i, j); // Query left child
    q2= query(node*2, 1+(a+b)/2, b, i, j); // Query left child
    return max(q1,q2);