Chef - Jumping

When compiling online its returning wrong answer. It works well on my local computer.
Is there any kind of format for the output?

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o/p format is given in the question as there is not such format just have to print a yes or no

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same problem. it works well on my system but on submission m keep getting WA.

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Even I have similar problem

He is right I am also having some issue… however got AC in python. but still getting WA in C++.

ok… dont know about such matter

Some problem are occur here coz code are running on my computer ok but after online submision it showing run time error.

Check if you are printing “yes” or “no” in small letters not in capitals.

Check if you are printing “yes” or “no” in small letters not in capitals.

Check if you are printing “yes” or “no” in small letters not in capitals.