Chef Starts Coding- Editorial || CHEFCODER

PROBLEM LINK: Chef Starts Coding | CodeChef

Problem Code: Chef Starts Coding | CodeChef

Practice: CodeChef | Competitive Programming | Participate & Learn | CodeChef

Contest : Code to Compete Coding Competition | CodeChef

Author: Codechef Adgitm Chapter :
Tester: Codechef Adgitm Chapter :
Editorialist: Codechef Adgitm Chapter :




Chef has started coding recently. He has 2 files with a string name each with length N and M. The two files have code in them in the same sequence of the name of the file given (imagine the file name is AWD that means the function A is written first then function W is written and then function D is written) . Chef wants to find the number of maximum common function sequences present in both of the file names so that he can continue doing his work.

Save data while traversing.


using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const int N = 100001;
int t;
int n, q, k, m;
vector primes(N);

void solve() {
string a, b;
cin >> a >> b;
n = (int) a.size();
m = (int) b.size();

vector<vector<int>> dp(n, vector<int>(m));

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
int& cur = dp[i][j];
if (a[i] == b[j]) {
cur = 1;
if (i && j) {
cur += dp[i - 1][j - 1];
else {
if (j) {
cur = dp[i][j - 1];
if (i && cur < dp[i - 1][j]) {
cur = dp[i - 1][j];
cout << dp[n - 1][m - 1] << “\n”;

int main() {
cin >> t;
while (t–) {
return 0;