CHFING - Subtast 2- Task 2 is not working

Can anyone please help me…It’s failing subtask 2 task 2… I dont know why?

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define ll long long int
#define f first
#define s second
ll N = 1000000007;
ll power(ll x, ll  y, ll p)
    ll res = 1;
    x = x % p;
    while (y > 0)
        if (y & 1)
            res = (res*x) % p;

          y = y>>1;
        x = (x*x) % p;
    return res;
int main()
    ll t;
    cin >> t;
      ll n , k;
      cin >> n >> k;
      ll ans ;
          ll temp = k/2;
          ll temp1 = (k%N + 1)%N;
          ans = ((temp%N)*(temp1%N))%N;
          ll temp = (k+1)/2;
          ll temp1 = (k%N);
          ans = ((temp%N)*(temp1%N))%N;
        cout << ans << endl;
        cout << k-1 << endl;
          ll ans;
          ll first = k-1;
          ll diff = n-1;
          ll last = (k-1)%(n-1);
          last = n-1;

          ll t = (first - last)/diff + 1;
          ll sum = (first%N + last%N)%N;
          ans = (sum%N)*(t%N)%N;
          ans = (power(2,N-2,N)*(ans%N))%N;
          cout << ans << endl;

Link please ???

Link for what buddy ?

Link to the submitted code.

Here’s my solution link

Link to your AC code.

Now, What did I do?

  • Removed some unnecessary cases.
  • Added a function named modmult(a,b). This basically helps to find multiplication of larger numbers using MOD in the background.
  • Used modmult(a,b) in all the calculations.

And its an AC. :slight_smile:

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Thanks buddy…but what was my mistake…I figured out the formula and all but then also I struggled…

The values were overflowing in C++ without modmult(a,b) (added by @nuttela). If you used the same thing in python this might work without modmult(a,b).

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I had taken care of that @ayushomi007 previously. Please see that code…

I have used a similar approach and gotten AC. Refer please.
There was no need to use that power function.