It will look something like
1 2 2 3 3 3…r r r(r times) r+1 r+1 (some x times)
so 1+2+3+…r<=n
as r will be less than sqrt(1e9) you can linearly search it
Answer will be equal to 11+22+…+ rr+x(r+1)=r*(r+1)(2r+1)/6+x*(r+1)
x= n-r*(r+1)/2

I solved it using priority queue .
We can create a priority_queue<pair<int,int>>pq to store the pair (a[i],-i)
where i is the index of the element.
We will also need an array to count the number of times we have used current index (cnt[n]).

each day we will take the front element of priority_queue as it will have maximum element with minimum index and we will take ceil(a[i]/3) and add it to the answer and subtract it from a[i] and also remove it from pq.
increase cnt[i] by 1.
Now reinsert the element into the priority queue if and only if it is nonzero and its cnt[i]<b.
Stop if size of pq becomes zero.



All placed cuboids should have their faces of similar color parallel to each other and all faces should be parallel to cube faces means

See according to L c/L cubes can be used parallel to that side, according to B c/B can be put parallel to that side and according to H c/H can be put parallel to that side.
if which means at most c * c * c/(l * b * h) can be placed and this should be greater or equal to n so we is c should ceil(pow(n * l * b * h ,1.0/3)).

PROBLEM D- Good Pairs

We can make some observation

CASE 1 i<j
Let’s say i,j is a good pair and a[i] > a[j] , Will (i,j+1) be a good pair? No it will not be because a[j]<a[i]
so for any i there can be at most 1 good pair (i, index of the first smaller number than a[i] to the right of i)

CASE 2 i>j
Let’s say i,j is a good pair and a[i]>a[j], Will (j-1,i) be a good pair? No it will not be a good pair because a[j]<a[i].
so for any i there can be at most 1 good pair (i,index of the first smaller number than a[i] to the left of i)

We have reduced our problem from some weird statements to finding the index of first smaller a[j] to the left and right. You can find it using the concept of monotonic stack.


PROBLEM E- Special Permutation

This is a Range Query problem.

For some i in [1,n], we can consider only those subarrays that will have i at the start and apply it once for the given array and once for the reversed array.

Let say a[i]=a[j] for some i,k i<k

x= maximum among the next indexes of all elements less than a[i]
y= minimum among the next indexes of all elements greater than a[i]
j=next index of a[i]

if(x<j && y>x)

Then we have a special permutation for a[i].

x and y can be found using segment tree.



i am not getting the the C and E can you explain a little more so the we beginner can also get that
thanks in advance