Hi I am trying to login to codechef from this codechef handle shrawanagrawal | CodeChef User Profile for Shrawan Agrawal | CodeChef but as soon as I click on login it takes me to the signup page and then there it says email already taken. Can anyone please help me.
I tried mailing to admin so many times but I got no replies. This is what it looks like when I try to login.
Thanks in advance.
You are on the “New User” tab. You should go to the “Login” tab to login.
Also, your email had been replied to 6 days back. Maybe check your spam folder.
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Trying the “forgot password” in your login page can also be done if you still have the email id working.
Yeh I tried that but after going to login page to login it again directs me to new user page.
Thanks this method successfully worked.