Codechef ide is tripping

Tldr; the codechef ide requires waiting for 20 seconds to submit new code when it only required 5 seconds in the afternoon, is this something that can be fixed?
I was using codechef to learn c++ for ioi, and I liked the platform so much that i just now subscribed to pro, and got ready for a c++ all nighter speedrun, I was going through the course and in one code, i got an error, i realised i had forgotten a ; so i quickly fixed it, but now it said “you are only allowed to make 1 submission in 20 seconds” (see screenshot)
But the thing is, when i was using the platform during the afternoon, there was just a 5 second limit, I’m not sure why they suddenly changed it to 20 seconds? because this is actually really annoying and it’s almost better to just use another ide for going through a codechef course…which is sad, because i really liked the pace i was advancing at, but this small thing is really anoying…
So I’d like to know if there is any way to fix this, or is this something that can’t be fixed… my guess is that during the night, they do this to use less servers or something?
btw, i’d like to say thanks also to people who made the c++ course, it is really fun and i feel like im advancing quiet nicely and at a great speed, this course was really nice, infact this was my first ever online course purchase, basically I’m saying that i’m not a hater, and i genuinely want this problem to get better…

Screenshot 2023-12-14 at 1.22.49 AM

Hi, it is sometimes done for a heavy-load contest. It should be fixed now. Apologies for the inconvenience.