And then people tell me don’t accuse Indians for cheating :confused:

@krishna_kc ??

codechef can make two 3 -3 days long challenge instead of one 10days long challenge then i think cheating will drastically decrease,
i observed that in the last day my rating was around 500 after an hour it went 800 means ,
that two question D dimension and adding square
8 days -> less than 100 people solved both question
2 days-> more than 300 people solved both ,
means what, CODECHEF

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most of us can’t solve even half the problem set of DIV 1 if the contest is of 3 days only (talking of only the people who solve genuinely)

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If contest is of 3-days, problem set will be such that everything can be solved in 3 days.




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same mine was 448 8 hours before the contest ends and now it’s 1200.

same with me bro!! lol it hurts

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That sucks !!!

puchhta hai bharat :sweat_smile:

I stopped participating in Long Challenges. Short Contests are :muscle: :muscle: :joy:

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Can all of us stop complaining about plagiarism for a moment, and think for a while. Yes plagiarism hurts, and it has been a setback in my competitive programming time line too. Yes my rank fell by around 300 on the last day, but is there any use talking about that now.

When I saw this post of “plagiarism in codechef long challenge october” one hour before the ending of the contest, it had around 300+ views. Just 15-20 mins after the contest was over, CC has released all the editorials for the problems. And when I opened the discuss section today, our plagiarism post stands top, even after one day with more than 2k post views. But even after one day, not a single editorial crossed 1.8k+ views ( according to my knowledge) .

This simply shows the community is more interested in “Plagiarism” rather than actual knowledge. I’m not blaming anyone in particular, there were a lot of people who were genuine, who worked day and night to get that green tick. But in the end, instead of gaining more knowledge by upsolving the unsolved problems, we are discussing about plagiarism ( every single long challenge for the past 6-7 months), not only making ourselves sad, but also wasting our precious time.

I’m not telling one shouldn’t raise your voice against this concern, yes we have to. But pondering over the same problem every single time, is not gonna be of any use. I guess Codechef is also trying it’s level best to avoid plag, but all of us know, it is impossible to eradicate it fully, unless until every one of change. So why not move on with those losers (who plagiarize to get their ratings increased) and work on our own improvement.

I’m know I may have to face a lot of negative comments on this reply. But I feel it would be better if we could focus more on our personal improvement than blaming the community for plagiarism.


I disagree with this

I support your post completely.

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There are always less views and likes on educational topics, may it be codeforces editorials, or educational youtube videos, or even Codechef editorials for that matter. Codechef isn’t to be blamed for that , its general human tendency to go towards entertainment .

And in this case, you can’t do much. There are at-least 4k-5k people who have cheated in the contest(the figure will be larger than this I am sure) , how do you expect the people to ignore such a big issue and stop ranting ? Please expect them to rant for at-least 2-3 days after the contest , they have been doing this for months because no proper measures has been taken by codechef , nor did they implement any of the suggestions which were asked for 100+ times, consider this as a protest, trying to make codechef better.


thanks buddy!

Yes I agree with you, I know this ain’t a small problem, definitely it is affecting a lot of people. CC has not taken any hard measures till AUG. But during AUG we did find a lot of rating drops, of those who involved in plag, and they also said that they’ll be doing that for the upcoming contests as well, soon. So I thought, we have waited for this long, maybe we can wait for one or two months, to see rating drops of those who were involved in plag.

I only told, not to waste much time, by keeping on talking about this… But yes, I agree with what you say, it’s not easy to move on, it did take me a lot of time to digest this.

My rank From 300 to 1000 in just 5 hr, it’s very sad:( I have tried ADDSQUARE for 3 days but couldn’t solve it fully.

I agree with you too.
Rating drops are not enough, people are smart these days, 50% of them easily surpass the MOSS test , that’s why the protest/ranting being done , so Codechef takes measures like making the long unrated or making its duration short, increasing short contests so people can actually improve (in ICPC,codejam,hackercup and many other type of short contests) ,etc-etc.

And if you are talking about rating drops, going by the previous trends, rating drops are done only once in 2 years by Codechef xd.