CodeChef Plagiarism Detection too weak?

Hey CodeChef,
Recently, I came across this LinkedIn post:

This is Karan Rana, (codingDitto). CodeChef profile: technosonu

He was plagiarised on LeetCode for copying D once, the article:

He was caught cheating and thus he was discarded from that LeetCode Contest.

But he has now arrived at CodeChef, he was even plagiarised once in his 2nd contest from this account.

But he is surpassing plagiarism from last few contests. All he does is rename variables with his own names. Wallah!! No Plagiarism detection.

Here are some of his submissions from last contest:

I would request CodeChef moderators to kindly look into this matter.

Cheaters are getting extremely good ratings without getting caught!!


what a prick he is


Yupp. Considering the amount of cheating that happens on CodeChef, Rating rollbacks should result in massive rating changes but they hardly result in +1 or +2 which suggests that they don’t do plagiarism check effectively

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