Hi. I just participated in yesterday’s lunchtime contest and solved 5 questions out of 6
This was the first lunchtime contest that I participated in. But even after solving 5 questions and scoring 500 points, my rating tab shows that I haven’t participated in any of the lunchtime contests 
Why is this so and how do I solve this problem? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Contest was declared unrated.
Even I solved 5 questions for the first time. 
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But why? Majority of the people have voted for the contest to be rated: Should January Lunchtime be Rated? - #9 by anish_28 And the server became fine after a while…So why still unrated?
@sushil2006 Actually, many people were facing problems like submit button was not appearing and if it appears then the solution was not getting submitted. Like I was able to submit solutions but my friend was not able to, so that’s why I guess the contest was declared to be unrated.
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Majority of the people have voted for the contest to be rated: So why still unrated?
Because Codechef is not a Democracy! They have right to base the decision on what seems the best judgement to them