Codechef server

Same issue. Unable to connect to CodeChef server.

The contest is unrated due to queue and server issues.
Message from the Codechef Team in the CodeForces Post.


my two submition is pending from last 20 min

same issue for swap10hg

same issue with SWAP10HG

Running your code on the IDE is not taking time but when i make submission it shows me it cannot reach codechef server

same issue

In submission queue from 24 mins

same issue , I unable to connect to codechef server .

same problem

@admin code not submitting. Review all submissions and plz make Contest Unrated

exactly…we have been trying to submit a problem for like 45 min

How is Submission count increasing when no one is able to submit their codes. Even I am facing the same issue.

Can you share that post?

Check here

I think CodeChef server is crashed
First time I solved 4 questions but the server is not responding :frowning:
it’s unfair!
You should take our submission whenever your server repaired.

same here

yeah…i have been facing the same problem since last contest!

same ! @codechef do some thing or make this UNRATED

my submissions are still in queue