@CodeChef should show some of the failed testcases

Hey @admin @system,

While using CodeChef, I have found the platform to be immensely valuable for honing my coding skills. The real-time feedback on code execution is particularly helpful in understanding and rectifying errors. However, I believe there is an opportunity for improvement in the way failed test cases are presented.

I strongly suggest that @CodeChef consider displaying the details of failed test cases to users. Providing this information would offer a more comprehensive understanding of where the code might be going wrong, enabling users to pinpoint and address issues more effectively. It would be immensely beneficial for the learning process, allowing users to learn from their mistakes and iterate on their solutions.

I understand the challenges associated with implementing such a feature, but I believe the long-term benefits for users and the overall learning experience on CodeChef would outweigh the initial investment. This enhancement would undoubtedly contribute to a more effective learning environment and further solidify CodeChef as a leading platform for coding practice.