Codechef Submissions very slow

today the same problem is happening again :frowning:
it is very disappointing to see Internal Server Error again on codechef

please whats the problem it takes more than 12 min to process the soln in may 17

Mine is also taking long time to submitā€¦

Its there again

Codechef is taking more time to judge my answer than I did coming up with it


It is happening again!

i submitted my solution but it take too longā€¦ it was just showing runningā€¦ i was very sad whats wrong with
my codeā€¦ i said one of my friend to login from my id and submit my solutionā€¦ same result! its just showing runningā€¦ fed upā€¦ Now its showing result acceptedā€¦

Extremely poor state of submission status. :frowning:

again server issue,please fix this issue @admin

Its happening again !!!

There seems to be lots of TLE verdictsā€¦ Is it possible that the server is actually making incorrect TLE verdicts and slows down the submission queue?

I submit the following code (the code is only reading in the input data) to the problem CHEFSUBA and it got TLEā€¦

int n,K,P;
char OP[100010];
int main()
    int i,x;
    for(i=1;i<=n;i++) scanf("%d",&x);
    return 0;

The running time of my submission to the problem WSITES01 is either 0.00s or 1.01s, which is quiteā€¦impossible?


only python and java solutions are acceptedā€¦ why it is happen??

Itā€™s taking 5 minutes to check the solution ā€¦ thatā€™s way too long

Its taking way too long after submitting with TLE again and again?
I think its server side problem more than my code.
Resolve this issue asap.

Hopefully, they fix it soon. submitted a code before posting the question and the verdict is still not given.

Oh wow, thatā€™s a lot! 15 minutes here.

Since this is a long contest, it doesnā€™t hurt that much, but itā€™s still quite annoying.

It takes time because at a certain time, limited submissions are judged and extra submissions go in the queue. You donā€™t need to stick to that submission page. After your submission, you can close that page. Itā€™s taking 3-4 minutes for me too(BitMask contest), but the ā€œInternal errorā€ is justā€¦ supernatural. :slight_smile:

true :slight_smile: letā€™s just proceed to further questions while the servers recover :slight_smile:

It used to take under a minute usually but today it has taken too long, one of my submissions has been running since 20 minutes. Thatā€™s not acceptable!