Codeforces Down

Why is codeforces down for past 9-10 hours?


Yes Exactly…I’am also facing the same problem.:confused:

Waiting to see rating changes… :grin:


I think it will take more time for rating changes becoz the hacking period is still left

its up now!! :smiley:
Edit: it again went down :no_mouth:

Not it isnt

How is hacking phase going on when site isn’t opening???

You can predict your rating here

Rating Predictor

once the site is up

It was only up for few minutes :confused:

May be the contest will unrated as the hacking phase has not been executed …

That’s probably too drastic, last time something like this happened they just extended the hacking phase

hacking phase does not make a contest unrated. If anything they will just extend the hacking phase and then give rating changes later on.

its up now

Right now it is showing that open hacking phase finished.


How much time it will take to show rating change ?