CodeForces ToolKit

Hey people!!
I am a 2nd Year UnderGrad student at MNNIT-Allahabad, India, and I have developed a simple toolkit of CodeForces with my friend Manish, so as to develop a competitive environment among my batch-mates and to aid our practise-sessions…

Here is the link to it CodeForces Toolkit

It is our first attempt to anything like this, so we are sorry for any bugs that might creep in…
We are always open to suggestions…

Hope it helps

Here is a short description of utilities :

Last 15 Submissions :
A php page to view last 15 submissions by a user…

All Solved :
A php page to view all the solved problems by a user…

Common submissions :
A php page to view common questions solved by two users…

Compete :
A php page to compare the statistics of two users…

The toolkit allows people to make their own list of coders

and keep an eye on the ratings and practice sessions they are undertaking…

Users can register and then create a personalized list of coders…

CodeForces API is used to get the information and PHP is used to fetch the data…

Happy Competing :slight_smile:


great work guys .

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great work, I’ve used it once and it was working good (y)

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^ thanks :slight_smile:

Thanks for using it :slight_smile: hope it helps