CODERS , Problem not loading

Yes. The contest is from 9pm.

Postponed. Its tom T_T

We are postponing the contest to tomorrow (25 November) at 8 PM. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused.

Some users are still facing issues accessing the website due to DNS cache issues at the ISP level or the browser level which are beyond our control.

Problems will be available in 22 hrs :man_shrugging:

We are postponing the contest to tomorrow (25 November) at 8 PM. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused.
Some users are still facing issues accessing the website due to DNS cache issues at the ISP level or the browser level which are beyond our control.

@admin now it is showing that contest is tomorrow?

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This is wrong @admin :frowning_face: , rescheduled for tomorrow.

Hmm yeah sad.

Won’t it clash with Codeforces Div3, if it is postponed to tomorrow? @admin

Tomorrow from 8, CF div 3 is there, if you want max participation, change timings otherwise your hard work would be in vain as the number of participants would decrease drastically.

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We are postponing the contest to Monday, 29th November at 8 pm. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused.

Some users are still facing issues accessing the website due to DNS cache issues at the ISP level or the browser level which are beyond our control.

yes what the issue?