Codevita Round 1 result declared

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Yes, depending on your rank and your year of study

I got rank 432 in codevita and iā€™m final year student. Is there any chance for digital role?

i have solved 2 question but still it shows you are not qualified for the next roundā€¦

you are brought down somewhat by plagiarism checker,I think.

because you codes didnā€™t pass plagiarism checks

After Round 1, you will be called for interview based on your ranks.
Interview will be taken for TCS Ninja first, then for TCS Digital.
Because students, who performs well in in Ninja Interview will be eligible for TCS Digital as well.

i heard you cant even copy code from gfg like gcd or some trivial stuff

@spetsnaz_ravi after how many days does interview call come? I secured 200 rank in round 1, no email yet.