Contest: Division 1
Contest: Division 2
Contest: Division 3
Contest: Division 4
Tester: sushil2006
Editorialist: iceknight1093
Familiarity with bitwise operations
Given N, K, Q, answer Q queries of the following form:
- Given L and R, count the number of good numbers in [L, R]. x is a good number if it can be written as i_1\mid i_2\mid \cdots \mid i_M for some integers K \leq i_1 \lt i_2 \lt \cdots \lt i_M \lt N+K.
First, let’s figure out which numbers are good.
In simple words, a good number is one that can be written as the bitwise OR of several values that are all in the range [K, N+K).
Let’s work with a simple version first: what if K = 0?
That is, we simply have all numbers in the range [0, N).
In this case, it’s easy to see that if 2^h is the largest power of 2 that’s less than N, we can make all h-bit integers using the combination of 2^0, 2^1, \ldots, 2^h, and can’t make anything beyond that.
So, in this case, the good numbers exactly form the range [0, 2^{h+1}).
Now, let’s see what happens with a more general K.
First, let P be the longest common (binary) prefix of all the integers with us.
P can in fact be found as simply the longest common prefix of K and N+K-1, the two extreme values: if they share a prefix, everything between them will also share the same prefix.
Since every number with us has P as a prefix, every number we can form with their bitwise OR will also have P as its prefix. This means we only need to care about smaller bits.
Now, let b be the highest bit where K and N+K-1 differ.
We now have two separate sets of values: [K, P + 2^b) which doesn’t have b set, and [P+2^b, N+K) which does have b set.
Looking at them separately,
- The range [K, P + 2^b) can only form numbers within it using the bitwise OR operation.
No smaller value is possible because the bitwise OR of a set of numbers can’t be smaller than a number in the set; and no larger value is possible because none of these values have the b-th bit set. - The range [P + 2^b, N+K) is very similar to the K = 0 case we worked on initially.
Indeed, since everything in this range has a prefix of P + 2^b, we’re functionally working with only the lower bits, i.e. the range [0, N+K - P - 2^b).
The range of good values here is something already known to us - in particular, if h is the largest integer such that 2^h \lt N+K - P - 2^b, everything in [0, 2^{h+1}) is good.
Translating back to the original, everything in [P + 2^b, P + 2^b + 2^{h+1}) is good.
Combining the above, we see that simply everything in the range [K, N+K+2^b+2^{h+1}) is good.
However, the above discussion considered numbers with the bit b set and unset separately.
We also need to consider bitwise ORs obtained by choosing numbers of both types.
Here, observe that everything in the range [K + 2^b, P + 2^b + 2^b) = [K+2^b, P+2^{b+1}) is certainly obtainable, simply by choosing any number in [K, K+2^b) (which doesn’t have b set) and then choosing P+2^b which sets b and doesn’t change the lower bits.
It’s not hard to see that these are the only numbers obtainable this way.
After all, anything larger would result in the b+1-th bit of the prefix changing (which is impossible, since we know all bits larger than the b-th are fixed), while anything smaller is impossible the instant we choose a number from [K, P + 2^b) in the first place.
To summarize, the set of good numbers is in fact quite easy to characterize.
Let P be the largest common (binary) prefix of K and N+K-1, b be the first bit at which they differ, and h be the largest integer such that 2^h \lt N+K-P-2^b.
Then, the good numbers are simply the union of the intervals
[K, N+K+2^{b} + 2^{h+1}) and [K+2^b, P + 2^{b+1}).
Once these two intervals are known, answering queries [L, R] is quite easy: simply find the intersection of [L, R] with the above intervals and add up the lengths.
Note that the above intervals might not be disjoint, so take care to not overcount values.
\mathcal{O}(\log(N+K) + Q) per testcase.
Author's code (C++)
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define ll long long
#define fast \
ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0); \
cin.tie(0); \
int main(){
ll t;
ll n,k,q;
ll n1=k,n2=n+k-1;
ll xx=0;
for(ll i=61;i>=0;i--){
else break;
vector<pair<ll,ll>> v1,v;
ll x=0,y=0;
if(n2>0) x=1LL<<(__lg(n2));
if(n2>x) y=1LL<<(__lg(n2-x));
for(ll i=0;i<(ll)v1.size();i++){
for(ll i=0;i<(ll)v1.size();i++){
if((ll)v.size()==0) v.push_back({v1[i].first,v1[i].second});
ll x=v.back().first,y=v.back().second;
else v.push_back({v1[i].first,v1[i].second});
ll l,r;
ll ans=0;
for(ll i=0;i<(ll)v.size();i++){
ll x=v[i].first,y=v[i].second;
if(l>=x && l<=y){
else if(r>=x && r<=y){
else if(l<=x && y<=r){
Editorialist's code (PyPy3)
import sys
input = sys.stdin.readline
for _ in range(int(input())):
n, k, q = map(int, input().split())
l1, r1 = k, k
l2, r2 = -1, -1
pref = 0
for b in reversed(range(61)):
if (k >> b) & 1 == ((n + k - 1) >> b) & 1:
pref += k & (1 << b)
r1 = pref + (1 << b)
r2 = r1 + (1 << b) - 1
for b2 in reversed(range(b)):
if ((n + k - 1) >> b2) & 1:
r1 += 2 << b2
r1 -= 1
l2 = l1 + (1 << b)
l2 = max(l2, r1 + 1)
def intersect(a, b, x, y):
if x > y or b < x or y < a: return 0
return min(b, y) - max(a, x) + 1
while q > 0:
l, r = map(int, input().split())
print(intersect(l, r, l1, r1) + intersect(l, r, l2, r2))
q -= 1