Author: ultimate_st
Tester: chef_oggy
Editorialist: ultimate_st
Given a pair of integers (a, b) which represents a message, and the message can be decoded by finding the value of x (x>0) that must be added to both a and b in order to make them non-coprime.
- Sieve
- A pinch of mathematics
Since a,b \leq 10^6 you will precompute a sieve of smallest prime factors and you have to obtain factorization in O(log n).
The problem is about decoding messages represented by pairs of integers (a, b), where the values of a and b need to be modified by adding a positive integer x to both of them to make them non-coprime. We can solve this problem by implementing a prime factorization algorithm using the sieve of Eratosthenes and finding the minimum value of x required to make a and b non-coprime. It can be done by finding the prime factors of the difference between a and b, and then finding the minimum value of x that satisfies the condition by checking each factor. If the absolute difference between a and b is 1, then the code outputs -1 since it is impossible to make them non-coprime by adding a positive integer.
We know that the gcd of two numbers divides their difference. Therefore, if we compute the difference d between a and b, then any common divisor of a+x and b+x must also divide d. Therefore, we can factorize d by precomputing sieve before test cases loop. Then we can factorize d in O(log d) time.
For each prime factor p[i]
, we calculate the remainder of a
divided by p[i]
. This is done to find the smallest integer k
such that a + k
is divisible by p[i]
. We then subtract a%p[i]
from p[i]
to get the difference between a
and the nearest multiple of p[i]
that is greater than a
. This gives us the value of k
that satisfies the condition that a+k
is divisible by p[i]
. We take the minimum of min
and this value of k
for all prime factors p[i]
of d
. The resulting value of min
is the minimum value of x
that satisfies the condition that a+x
and b+x
are non-coprime.
For computing factorization using sieve ,we create an array spf of size 10^6+1, where spf[i] represents the smallest prime factor of i. We start by initializing spf[1] as 1, as 1 is not a prime number. We then mark the smallest prime factor of every number i to be itself, i.e. spf[i] = i. We then mark the smallest prime factor of every even number to be 2.
Next, we loop through every odd number from 3 to sqrt(n) and check if it is a prime number by checking if spf[i] == i. If i is a prime number, we mark the smallest prime factor of all its multiples as i, unless it has already been marked as a smaller prime factor. This way, we calculate the smallest prime factor of every number in the range from 1 to n.
The getFactorization method takes a number x as input and returns a vector containing the prime factorization of x. We start by dividing x by its smallest prime factor, which we can find using the spf array. We then keep dividing x by its smallest prime factor until we can no longer do so. We add each smallest prime factor to a vector and return the vector once we have completely factorized x.
The time complexity of getFactorization method will be O(log n) and that of sieve will be O(nloglogn).
Setter's Solution
/* package codechef; // don't place package name! */
import java.util.*;
/* Name of the class has to be "Main" only if the class is public. */
class cac
static final int MAXN = 1000001;
static int spf[] = new int[MAXN];
static void sieve()
spf[1] = 1;
for (int i=2; i<MAXN; i++)
spf[i] = i;
for (int i=4; i<MAXN; i+=2)
spf[i] = 2;
for (int i=3; i*i<MAXN; i++)
if (spf[i] == i)
for (int j=i*i; j<MAXN; j+=i){
if (spf[j]==j)
spf[j] = i;
static ArrayList<Integer> getFactorization(int x)
ArrayList<Integer> ret = new ArrayList<>();
while (x != 1)
x = x / spf[x];
return ret;
public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception
// your code goes here
FastReader sc=new FastReader();
int t=sc.nextInt();
sieve(); //precomputation
int a=sc.nextInt();
int b=sc.nextInt();
continue ab;
int d=Math.abs(b-a);
ArrayList<Integer> p = getFactorization(d);
int min=Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (int i=0; i<p.size(); i++)
class FastReader {
BufferedReader br;
StringTokenizer st;
public FastReader() {
br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
String next() {
while (st == null || !st.hasMoreElements()) {
try {
st = new StringTokenizer(br.readLine());
catch (IOException e) {
return st.nextToken();
int nextInt() {
return Integer.parseInt(next());
long nextLong() {
return Long.parseLong(next());
double nextDouble() {
return Double.parseDouble(next());
String nextLine() {
String str = "";
try {
str = br.readLine();
catch (IOException e) {
return str;
Tester's Solution
//The more you know, the more you don't know//
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define loop(i,m,n) for(ll i=m;i<n;i++)
#define rev(i,m,n) for(ll i=m;i>=n;i--)
#define ll long long
#define in(n) cin>>n
#define out(n) cout<<n<<"\n"
#define o(n) cout<<n<<" "
#define nl cout<<"\n"
#define yes cout<<"YES"<<"\n"
#define no cout<<"NO"<<"\n"
#define pb push_back
#define ppb pop_back
#define size(x) x.size()
#define all(x) x.begin(),x.end()
#define rall(x) x.rbegin(),x.rend()
#define MAX(x) *max_element(all(x))
#define MIN(x) *min_element(all(x))
#define SUM(x) accumulate(all(x), 0LL)
#define SORT(x) is_sorted(all(x))
#define lcm(x,y) (x*y)/__gcd(x,y)
#define dgt(n) floor(log10(n)+1)
#define point cout<<fixed<<setprecision(10)
#define debug(x) cout<<#x<<" "<<x<<"\n";
#define print(v) for(auto x : v) o(x); nl;
#define ub(v,val) upper_bound(all(v),val)-v.begin()
#define lb(v,val) lower_bound(all(v),val)-v.begin()
const long long M = 1e9 + 7;
const long long inf = LONG_LONG_MAX;
using namespace std;
//--------------------[...Never Used Functions...]---------------------//
ll binpow(ll a, ll b){ ll res=1; while(b>0){ if(b&1) res=res*a; a=a*a; b>>=1; } return res; }
ll powmod(ll a, ll b, ll m) {ll ans = 1; while (b) {if (b & 1) {ans = (ans * a) % m;} a = (a * a) % m; b = b >> 1;} return ans % m;}
vector<ll> div(ll n){ vector<ll> v; for(int i=1; i<=sqrt(n); i++){ if (n%i == 0){ v.pb(i); if(n/i!=i) v.pb(n/i); } } return v; }
vector<ll> primediv(ll n){ vector<ll> v; for(ll i=2;i<=sqrt(n);i++){ while(n%i==0){ n=n/i; v.pb(i); } } if(n>1) v.pb(n); return v; }
ll modINV(ll n,ll mod){ return powmod(n,mod-2,mod); }
ll ncrmod(ll n,ll r,ll p){ if(r==0) return 1; unsigned long long fac[n + 1]={1}; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) fac[i]=(fac[i-1]*i)%p; return (((fac[n]*modINV(fac[r],p))%p)*modINV(fac[n-r],p))%p; }
double logg(ll n,ll k){ return log2(n)/log2(k); }
ll parent[100007]; ll Size[100007];
void make(ll v){ parent[v]=v; Size[v]=1; }
ll find(ll v){ if(v==parent[v]) return v; return parent[v] = find(parent[v]); }
void Union(ll a,ll b){ a = find(a); b = find(b); if(a!=b){ if(Size[a] < Size[b]) swap(a,b); parent[b] = a; Size[a] += Size[b]; } }
#define MAXN 1000001
int spf[MAXN];
void sieve()
spf[1] = 1;
for (int i=2; i<MAXN; i++)
spf[i] = i;
for (int i=4; i<MAXN; i+=2)
spf[i] = 2;
for (int i=3; i*i<MAXN; i++)
if (spf[i] == i)
for (int j=i*i; j<MAXN; j+=i)
if (spf[j]==j)
spf[j] = i;
vector<int> getFactorization(int x)
vector<int> ret;
while (x != 1)
x = x / spf[x];
return ret;
void drizzle()
ll a,b; in(a>>b);
if(b&1) out(1);
if(__gcd(a+1,b+1)!=1) out(1);
else out(2);
ll n=max(a,b)-min(a,b);
vector<int> factors = getFactorization(n);
ll res=inf;
for(auto x : factors)
if(res==inf) out(n);
else out(res);
int main()
int testcase=1;
return 0;