Dashrath_mobile , https://www.codechef.com/BEST2021/problems/DASMOB


Author: Anurag dubey
Tester: Anurag dubey
Editorialist: Anurag dubey




Math . greedy, bruteforce,string, bit,


In given problem we have given string in that string we we have some condition if string satisfied given condition print 1 else print 0,

given string is valid password if it satisfies below condition:

  • at least 4 characters
  • at least one numeric digit
  • at least one capital letter
  • must not have space or slash (/)
  • starting character must not be a number


First we will check the condition and do according to condition we will satisfied the all condition and if satisfied then we will print 1 else 0 .
we will take all character one by one and satisfied all condition if it satisfied then print 1 else 0.


In given problem we have given string and we have to satisfies some condition and if it satisfied then print 1 else 0,
for example if given string is asaA2 first we will check first condition it is more than 4 element then it satisfied first condition.
here 2 is numeric digit which satisfied 2nd condition
here A is in capital latter in given string it will satisfied third condition as well
here is no space and not a / also and
in start there is no numeric digit that is it satisfied all the condition hence o/p will 1 .


Setter's Solution
  1. #include<bits/stdc++.h>

  2. using namespace std;

  • bool ispass(string s,int k){
  1. if(k<4){

  2. return false;

  3. }

  • if(s[0]>=48 && s[0]<=57){
  1. return false;

  2. }

  3. bool for_capital =false;

  4. bool for_numeric =false;

  5. for(int i=0;i<k;i++){

  6. if(s[i]==’ ’ || s[i]==‘/’){

  7. return false;

  8. }

  9. else if(s[i]>=65 && s[i]<=90){

  10. for_capital=true;

  11. }

  12. else if(s[i]>=48 && s[i]<=57){

  13. for_numeric=true;

  14. }

  • }
  1. return(for_numeric && for_capital);
  • }

  • int main()

  1. {

  2. int t;

  3. cin>>t;

  4. while(t–){

  • cin>>ws;
  1. string s;

  2. getline(cin,s);

  3. int k=0;

  4. for(int i=0;s[i]!=‘\0’;i++){

  5. k++;

  6. }

  7. cout<<ispass(s,k);

  8. cout<<endl;

  9. }

  10. return 0;

  11. }

Tester's Solution
  1. #include<bits/stdc++.h>

  2. using namespace std;

  • bool ispass(string s,int k){
  1. if(k<4){

  2. return false;

  3. }

  • if(s[0]>=48 && s[0]<=57){
  1. return false;

  2. }

  3. bool for_capital =false;

  4. bool for_numeric =false;

  5. for(int i=0;i<k;i++){

  6. if(s[i]==’ ’ || s[i]==‘/’){

  7. return false;

  8. }

  9. else if(s[i]>=65 && s[i]<=90){

  10. for_capital=true;

  11. }

  12. else if(s[i]>=48 && s[i]<=57){

  13. for_numeric=true;

  14. }

  • }
  1. return(for_numeric && for_capital);
  • }

  • int main()

  1. {

  2. int t;

  3. cin>>t;

  4. while(t–){

  • cin>>ws;
  1. string s;

  2. getline(cin,s);

  3. int k=0;

  4. for(int i=0;s[i]!=‘\0’;i++){

  5. k++;

  6. }

  7. cout<<ispass(s,k);

  8. cout<<endl;

  9. }

  10. return 0;

  11. }

Editorialist's Solution
  1. #include<bits/stdc++.h>

  2. using namespace std;

  • bool ispass(string s,int k){
  1. if(k<4){

  2. return false;

  3. }

  • if(s[0]>=48 && s[0]<=57){
  1. return false;

  2. }

  3. bool for_capital =false;

  4. bool for_numeric =false;

  5. for(int i=0;i<k;i++){

  6. if(s[i]==’ ’ || s[i]==‘/’){

  7. return false;

  8. }

  9. else if(s[i]>=65 && s[i]<=90){

  10. for_capital=true;

  11. }

  12. else if(s[i]>=48 && s[i]<=57){

  13. for_numeric=true;

  14. }

  • }
  1. return(for_numeric && for_capital);
  • }

  • int main()

  1. {

  2. int t;

  3. cin>>t;

  4. while(t–){

  • cin>>ws;
  1. string s;

  2. getline(cin,s);

  3. int k=0;

  4. for(int i=0;s[i]!=‘\0’;i++){

  5. k++;

  6. }

  7. cout<<ispass(s,k);

  8. cout<<endl;

  9. }

  10. return 0;

  11. }