Data Structure : Linked list

Overview :
Linked List is a linear data structure .It is a collection of nodes.The nodes connect by pointer. Each node is contain two parts. data part, link part

  • Data contains the node value.
  • Link contains the address of next node.

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Advantage of linked list :

  • Dynamic in nature
  • Insertion and deletion can be easily implemented.
  • Reduces the access time.

But here we discuss about the single linked list.

Single linked list
Single linked list contain nodes which have a data part as well as address part which points to the next node in sequence of nodes. Before being single linked list operation we need to d

Disadvantage of linked list :

  • Random access is not allowed.
  • Memory is wastage.
  • Reverse traversing is difficult.

Applications of Linked List :

  • It is used to implement stack , queue, , graph etc.
  • Representing sparse matrix.
  • For separate chaining hash-table.

There are three types of linked list

  1. Single Linked List
  2. Double Linked List
  3. Circular Linked List

But here we discuss about Single Linked List.
Single linked list contain nodes which have a data part as well as adress part which points to the next node in sequence of nodes.

Before doing Singly Linked operations we need to define structure for Single linked list.

struct node
  int data;
  node *next;

Node Creation :
Algorithm : creation(data)

Step 1: Start
Step 2: Set temp = new node
Step 3: Set = data
Step 4: Set = NULL
Step 5: Return temp
Step 6: ENd

Traverse :
Algorithm: Traverse()

Step 1: Start
Step 2: Set temp = start
Step 3: while(temp!=NULL)
        temp =
Step 4: End

Insertion :

Insertion at First

Algorithm : InserFirst( data)
 Step 1: Start
 Step 2: Set newn = creation(data).
 Step 3: if(start==NULL) { start  = newn; = NULL; }
         else            { = start; start = newn; }
 Step 4: End.

Insertion at Middle
Algorithm : InsertMiddle(data,position)

Step 1: Start
Step 2: Set temp = start and newn = creation(data)
Step 3: for i=0 to position-2
        temp =
Step 4: Set temp1 =
Step 5: = newn
Step 6: = temp1
Step 7: End.


Algorithm : Delete(position)
Step 1: Start
Step 2: Set temp = start
Step 3: if(position==1)
         if(start==NULL) print deletion not possible.
         else            start =; free(temp);

            for i=0 to position-2
             temp =;
            Set temp1  =;

Step 4: End


Algorithm :
Step 1 : Start
Step 2 : Set temp = start, position = 0, flag = false.
Step 3 : While (!=NULL) 
         position increment;
            flag = true. 
            print data is found
            break while loop;
         temp = temp->next;
Step 4 : If flag = false print Not found.
Step 5 :End

Full Source Code : link

Hackerrank Problem Problem : Print the Elements of a Linked List, Insert a node at the head of a linked list, Insert a node at a specific position in a linked list, Delete a Node

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Hi, The last element is not able to search?

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in the while condition,

shouldn’t it be, while(temp != NULL)

instead of, while(! ! = NULL)


You can learn Linked List from here

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