Hello Coders,
I take the pleasure in introducing you to Databread.
DataBread is a platform where you can see an aggregate or generalised form of your ratings from major Competitive Programming websites at one place. These currently include CodeForces, CodeChef, HackerRank, HackerEarth and TopCoder.
1. LeaderBoard
The LeaderBoard shows the users registered on this site, here you can find their Ranks, DataBread Ratings and Institution and Country name.
2. User Profile Page
It shows the Usernames and Ratings and also a pie chart showing the percentage of your performances taken while calculating the final ratings. There is also a graph showing user’s last 6 performance updates.
3. User Search Page
You can input the Username or the Name of some user in the search box and see the available users with matching the query easily.
To Register Simply go to DataBread.xyz, Enter your E Mail ID and your respective Usernames… and done.
Looking forward to see you on the LeaderBoard.
The website servers have been migrated now for better reliability.
The websites UI has been revamped completely, visit DataBread.xyz and see for yourself.
If you like it then don’t forget to leave a like here.
Share it with your friends and let more people join this initiative.
Have some great suggestions or found some bugs, just leave them in the comments below.
Thank You and Happy Coding.

Nice updates, specially those graphs on the user profile page are very informative.
Keep up the good work buddy, All The Best 
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Those updates are cool but why has SPOJ been removed? I guess it is a major competitive programming site!
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Let me clear it once and for all 
- SPOJ doed not have contest ratings.
- There are so many problems available on SPOJ that anyone can gain points even just by doing the easier ones and get a really good rank.
- Also there are tons of forums available for SPOJ, you can take help from them for almost all the problems available there.
So, SPOJ is more like a coding practice site. It does not have anything to do if someone is a great coder or not.
Thank You

BTW, I wanted to ask, How to do you calculate Databreak rating?
Does it consider rating of all 5 sites? Or only best 2-3? (Cause in my pie chart it only shows codechef and hackerrank).
Also, is calculation of ratings a simple average/weighed mean or some other mathematical formula?
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@vijju123 thanks for asking to answer 
For all 5 different websites firstly I have used Standard Scaling to Scale all different ratings to a single scale.
Then I have only taken those ratings into account where you are rated highest (more than the average).
Does Anyone have any ideas on how to make the rating system better, I mean there seem to be a lot of problems on directly using standard scaling!
So If anyone can come up with some better idea then that would be really helpful.
Please Write down your comments here or even better drop a mail to me at databread@gmail.com or PM me on facebook (here)
Thank You
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Just write the code for the given question…and gain the points and a good rank in the leader board
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Updates are very interesting
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really cool . keep it up buddy
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There are some problems when I open the site on my phone, the profile page seems quiet unsized, I mean the graphs seems quiet unscaled.
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I am getting this message while I am registering “Cannot Connect. Try Again.”
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Yeah its really a need for programmers point of view buddy keep going.
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@shraeyas Why you take only best ratings? Current ratings should be taken to show the proper reflection of the performance of the user. By the way, you did a great job, friend! Think about this point. 
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Your website went offline on 30th April in the night.
Please take note on this issue, it’s a serious one.
There were some problems in sending the code to your E Mail. The message was being transferred to spam folder instead of inbox. So please check your spam folder too if you don’t see the E Mail in your inbox.
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Another minor bug i would report is in search feature. Suppose i search for one of my friend there, i would like to see his Databread rank (obviously), but leaderboard shows the user and “1” under rank. I think this is the Sl no. of the user (in the list of user the search returned).
I think changing it to show Databread rank would be a nice add-on.
300+ members already up on the site.
Thanks a lot guys, keep increasing this number.