Days between two Dates

how do I start? Should main() be place in the beginning?

// input date from user and return structure to calling code
struct date inputDate( )

// your code here


int main( )
// your local variables here

// input and save start and end date from user

// print the start and end dates

// calculate "N" for start date and end date

// print the difference between the "Ns"
// be sure to output the difference as a positive number

return 0;


//function N takes in a value with variable type struct date
// as defined in the text
int N(struct date d){

// your code here


// function figures out the appropriate value for f to be used in function N
// as defined in the text
int f(int year, int month){

// your code here


// function figures out the appropriate value for g to be used in function N
// as defined in the text
int g(int month)
// your code here