DOUBLEDDIST Missing testcases

Testcase is missing or wrong let array is 9,10,11,12. according to everyone’s logic its ans is “NO” but lets arrange them as 9 10 12 11

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10 - 9 = 1
12 - 10 = 2
11 - 12 = -1
I hope u realize where u r going wrong

This submission gets AC for this test case even though it shouldn’t.

15 90 110 150

The answer should be “NO” but it prints “YES”. Weak test cases.

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Your code will not be able to pass 0 5 15 90 110 150 because you started loop form 2.It should be from 1.

That’s not my code. And it passes the test case mentioned. Because there aren’t test cases to catch that.

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