Doubt regarding question sample cases (PHCUL)

I was solving this problem : Link

Now in the first example solution is said to be

(1,4) to (3,1), then to (2,0) and then to (1,3) whose answer is said to be 8.1820424980

But if movement is like this

(1,4) to (1,3) [Distance = 1], then to (3,1) [Distance = 2\sqrt{2}] and then to (2,0) whose answer will be 5.2426406871

Am I misunderstanding this question in some way?

We have

(x,y) = (1,4)
ab = \{(4,4), (2,0), (8,1)\}
cd = \{(10,1), (3,1)\}
\textit{ef} = \{(1,3), (9,5)\}

The question states that the journey must proceed as either:

i) (x,y) \rightarrow a point in ab \rightarrow a point in cd \rightarrow a point in \textit{ef} or
ii) (x,y) \rightarrow a point in cd \rightarrow a point in ab \rightarrow a point in \textit{ef}.

The route you have chosen does not match either of i) or ii) (your final point, (2,0) is not a point in \textit{ef}), so is not allowed.

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Ohhh!!! I misunderstood the last line. Thanks.

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