

I recently saw this and I want to complete it (it was very helpful in dp for me) but it gets over in 7 days. Is it possible to extend it or save it somewhere else like other past contests?? Or if there is some other way to save these questions/resources please do tell.

It would also be helpful if anyone can suggest some other resources like this, I really don’t want to spend hours filtering questions I should solve.

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Not sure though, but I think we will be having that in the Past Contest section.

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I agree that it is showing 7 days left , but when you open the other links present in the Topics category you will find that the contest of that topic does not end in 7 days. It is only the first topic[ Complexity Analysis + Basics Warm Up] that is going to finish within 7 days. This contests started last year and new topics were added on each week and it was scheduled to be live for 365 days so you can try other topics which will be live as they were released a week after week .

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