Edit Comment [How ??]

Please give me back my power to edit my comments. I’m unable to do so. Screenshot attached. Only 3 options available with me.

I cannot edit my comment here - Damn, what just happened !!! - #12 by hemant_dhanuka - general - CodeChef Discuss

Click to view

alt text

Update1 -

Click to view

alt text

Update2 - On giving forum a search Is somebody else also missing the "Edit Comment" Button? - general - CodeChef Discuss Same issue again. Sorry for new thread. Found this in Related questions section.

Edit comment option is available only within the first hour of posting the comment. If you want to get it changed then suggest that to @admin :slight_smile:

@admin I request to allow us to change of comments whenever we want. Not just first hour.

irrelevant question, but bro just for curiosity why do u give ur name “aryanc403” tag in your questions…
here by commenting i m checking also, is edit feature is available to me or not

i have, my edit feature… may be its special gift to u by admin on “Plagiarism Hammer” Day…

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Because if I don’t have any other tag for a question. I can use this tag. So trying to create this tag. But Unsuccessful until now. Only I see is Unapproved tag. Giving this tag to see if this is approved or not.

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I have edit option here but it is still missing on answers which I have given.